Ayauasca in evocation

Hey can i use ayauasca in order to meet with demons and be able to evoke them as a shortcut to regular evocation and if so how to do it

Entheogens are powerful tools to access aspects of reality that are not available to us consciously. I don’t recommend your first usage of Ayahusca to be to perform an evocation.

Instead, my recommendation is that you spend time getting to know Ayahusca. For your first five to ten trips, take the time to thank the spirit of Ayahusca and then drink it. Take the time to let the spirit of the Ayahusca decide where you’re trip is going to go, and don’t force any issue.

After you feel comfortable using Ayahusca and you are familiar with its effects on your body then you can start using it for usage in rituals such as evocation.

Entheogens have a spirit to themselves as much as you or I, a Daimon, an Aeon or a Nation. They can teach you very much and eventually you can use them to guide others. However it is very hard to force a drug to move to your own desires, which is the whole point of ritual, to imprint your will and desires unto the world. Without respect for understanding the spirit of the herb you may find yourself in a dangerous place. I’ve never done Ayauasca, have you?? I’ve heard it is extremely powerful to the point where you will most likely need someone to guide you through.

If you want that short cut really bad for you to build your own reality around you, I would recommend MDMA(ecstasy). I have used few years of my life to really understand what empathy and love for life/reality entails, to the point where I feel the same thing in the air when I am laying grounds for evocation. MDMA is the short path to understanding the light of creation in my experience. I would recommend it because it is 100x more clear then any psychedelic I have done before, though still I would not recommend that or any high for the sole purpose of ritual. Rather, enjoy it and the insights of sassafras then 24 hours or so afterwords after the comedown is an extremely volatile time for evocations. In fact I have had something come to me and tell me to sit down and pay attention in that period of time before, with external phenomena bumping in the night that were not hallucinations. I’m not saying MDMA is the be all end all, though I find the bark from Asia to be better for solo practitioners.

heres further reading http://becomealivinggod.com/forum/general-discussion/the-use-of-mdma-(ecstasy)-to-ehance-magickal-ability/

Entheogens have a spirit to themselves as much as you or I, a Daimon, an Aeon or a Nation. They can teach you very much and eventually you can use them to guide others. However it is very hard to force a drug to move to your own desires, which is the whole point of ritual, to impirtant your will and desires unto the world. Without respect for understanding the spirit of the herb you may find yourself in a dangerous place. I've never done Ayauasca, have you?? I've heard it is extremely powerful to the point where you will most likely need someone to guide you through.

You’re correct, Ayahusca is very powerful because it’s a bunch of ingredients mixed together into a brew. Which is why I suggested time to know it’s effects and feel it’s power. Shamans have been using entheogens in ritual context for millenia, and this is no different. From journeying to divination, shamans have used these as powerful tools in their skill set to do incredible things.

But I agree that you should know the entheogen and be acquainted with its spirit before you do any ritual work with it.

If there was a shortcut to evocation (including a full physical manifestation of the spirit, that’s visible and audible with normal senses and no training) as simple as drinking a herbal brew, the world would have been doing it for centuries, just like we domesticated dogs and horses, and learned to chart the predictable courses of the Moon & Sun.

The reason magick is magick, and not as everyday as a trip to the store, is that it requires training of the senses and self, more in the line of a concert pianist (whose understanding of the subtler aspects of music surpasses that of someone who simply consumes modern crap as background noise) or an Olymic athlete, whose dedication, focus, and commitment are what set them apart as a tiny minority.

Do you want to do the work, or do you want it handed on a plate? Nothing wrong with the latter, but you’re going to have to hire someone (who HAS done the work) to evoke for you, because there are no shortcuts of the type you periodically post about.

If there was a shortcut to evocation (including a full physical manifestation of the spirit, that’s visible and audible with normal senses and no training) as simple as drinking a herbal brew, the world would have been doing it for centuries, just like we domesticated dogs and horses, and learned to chart the predictable courses of the Moon & Sun.

The reason magick is magick, and not as everyday as a trip to the store, is that it requires training of the senses and self, more in the line of a concert pianist (whose understanding of the subtler aspects of music surpasses that of someone who simply consumes modern crap as background noise) or an Olymic athlete, whose dedication, focus, and commitment are what set them apart as a tiny minority.[/quote]

YES! excellent cognition!

now, on the Mother Ayahuasca.

if i had a chance to do this kind of trip, i would prepare by trying to forget all i know and surrender.

there is no point in holding desires, however deep, and bringing this into a working with Ayahuasca, because the Truth is far to deep for human mind to conceptualize it.

the reason why would anyone get into evocation is that the person wants to impress their view of Truth onto their perceptive reality.

and that’s doing it from this side. human side. from mundane side you’re trying to access the magickal.

but by taking something like Ayahuaska, you get magick +100 instantly and absolutely no way to control it.

and from our human perspective, this should be taken when there is a great need for Reconciliation with The True Reality.

I personally Have no Respect for People using Drugs for Magickal Practice instead of Training, Most Often they do so to take the ‘‘Quick and easy Road’’ so they dont have to train all the Skill Magick Takes,

I have trained my Magickal Skill and Still do so today and will do so in the Futur.
And i believe Training them is the only way to get real result