
So I plan on talking Ayahuasca/dmt for a few reasons. One of my reasons is to be able to talk to Lucifer and the other spirits I’ve been working with. Do any of y’all think it that I would be able to see them.


Not sure, but from my understanding at certain doses everyone experiences similar events. May be best to go with a low dose if you want hope 9f directing your experience


Good advice here. If you trip too hard you may not be able to perform your evocation effectively. Also, you would be taking one of the two stronger hallucinogens known to human kind, so how could you even tell if a spirit was present or if it was the product of a hopeful mind addled with chemicals? Low dose, otherwise you are probably going to have more of a shamanic experience than an encounter with a specific spirit that is directed with intent, even if it does come to you.


I went to a talk by this chap recently. His paper (linked) is well worth a read and there are some youtube vids too



ive been trying out the use of magic mushrooms but so far the dosages ive been taking haven’t been enough. i saw your post some time ago about using nothing more than half an eigth…so i started with half a gram, then went up to 1.5 some days later but haven’t had any entities appear, so now im thinking ive gotta push it up to like 2.5g but im not sure of how high i can really go before im too tripped out

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If you try to do that on Ayahuasca you will be sorely disappointed. The truth will be revealed to you. Lucifer will appear and you will bow down, nothing else will happen. You will be humbled by the extremely bright visage of the light Bringer. You will not ask for anything because you will not be able to because you will be shown the truth, and the truth is that you already have everything you need.

Or lucifer has no interest in you and you will just be rocked by the great huasca mama.

You will see that thee earth has you in her busm, and that you are loved by the divine. Trust me, do it, you will see.

Fucking idiots thinking they can evoke a demon with such a sacred experience.

GTFO, srsly…

Go big or go home.

sure but, i actually want control of the evocation :smile: Do you have any experience using it for ritual work? ive read pretty much every post on here on the matter, and opinions seem to vary

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The sacraments will only show you your inner demons so that you can learn to work with them before moving to the big game.

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That’s why your initial dose should blast the doors off the hinges so that you can die and see what it’s all really about. Having that experience under your belt will help everything you do in the long run .

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Mushrooms are not going to make you see an entity; all they will do is potentially open your mind to the experience of seeing an entity. Increasing the dose past a certain point is not going to do anything more than inebriate you to a point where any meaningful contact would be sullied by the drugs. Unfortunately that amount differs from person to person, so experimentation is needed. Also, not all mushrooms are as potent as others, and not all strains produce the same effect. The active ingredient is pscilocybin, yes, but just like ganja there are subtle differences in effect from strain to strain and batch to batch.


I’ve already had contact with them a thousand time. I even ask Lucifer if he could and he said yes. Have any of y’all had any experience with demons while hallucinating?

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I am plagued by neon inverted pentacles throughout all my trips and I have been approached by Lucifer, I was given thee honor of entering his throne room. I wrote about it in one of my topics. Lucifer is the one you would want to go to on a tryptamine.

What’s your experience with higher doses like, how far have you gone. I’m curious why you think higher doses are so bad.

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You can’t control ego death. If you can, you’re not there, its something one experiances.


I don’t think they are bad, I just don’t think a higher dose of mushrooms is going to do anything to help him actually see a spirit.

A strong dose of mushrooms (once potency has been assessed) can be an extremely beneficial experience on a spiritual level, but it has been my experience with them that it will not help you sense entities/energies past a certain point. After a high enough dose I have always found it to be more of an inner journey with effects sometimes sensed in manifestations of the 5 senses.

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Thnx for clarifying.

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I’ve used ayahuasca weekly for two years, within the context of Santo Daime, which is now my religion.

Only attempt to use wine magically in an invocation of Ganesha, a deity whom I have worked for many years. I can only say that this was a complete disaster, which led me to experience depressive states and dangerous impulses.

Now, the mix of ayahuasca and western magic does not seem a good idea to me. The spirit of ayahuasca is a healer and self-knowledge guide, and to perform his craft, it opens certain subtle parts of the person. I think it very risky dealing with entities under this vulnerable state.

It seems to me to be more compatible with shamanism, alchemy, theurgy and Buddhism.

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