Avoiding the second death (astral) is Impossible

Otherwise We would have heard Stories of People communicating with magicians (who are dead in the physical sense) but are still somewhat alive in the astral or others realms…
But i’ve never heard of it so i guess when you die you just die

Or some of you maybe succesfully communicated with one that successfully avoided complete death?

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This is a thing. Look up what Ascended Masters are for one.
You can also contact dead mages via ancestor work, necromancy or shamanic journeying. Death is just a transition.

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Second death isn’t a widely followed belief that affects anyone besides those who follow it. I personally don’t believe in the “second death”

However, many people who follow a shamanic or druidic path have made mentions of working with and communicating with the death.


Death is just a change. We all are spirits having a temporary human experience. Personally i dont believe that there is an inevitable second death where you have to be some master of magic to avoid it. Ive had many experiences with dead people, the majority being ones that didnt even do magic in life. So if its like that im sure some people have spoken with some dead magicians at some point or another even if it hasnt been said.