Astral travel with breathing problems

I have a severe sinus problem that makes exhaling something I have to literally focus on. I practice alot of breathing techniques especially hermetic lunar and solar breathing. Just counting breaths. But it’s really hard because my breathing is impaired by a physical blockage behind my ears in my sinuses. I’m trying to get health insurance so I can get surgery but coming from the slums in atlanta it hasn’t been easy. Mainly because of how often I’ve went to jail.
But lately though I’ve been able to easily Astral travel and enter into theta states with the help of what I believe to be spirits. I do thank them for helping me achieve this but my only problem is that these things can be rough sometimes. Sometimes snatching me out of my body or leaving marks on me the next morning.
Just trying to make sense of everything. I want to be able to do these things on my own without the help of the spirits. And if the spirits insist on helping me I want them to treat me with more respect.
I know breathing is the most important thing when it comes to gathering power but it’s harder for me because of the breathing problems specifically

I feel for you. This is how I’ve worked around similar situations…
Warning- it’s taken some time…
Question: are there ANY periods of time throughout the day when you are not paying attention to your breathing? Seriously?
If there are, understand that you did it without thinking about it. Your breathing does not need your permission to do do its thing. If it waited on you to tell it it was OK to breathe, you’d be dead. It’s not like walking!

Start by spying on your breath. It will try and lure you into a game of hide-and-go-seek if it knows your watching. So lurk and spy on it. Try to increase the split seconds of time that you observe it doing its thing without a problem to minutes.

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That is actually great advice, because it does seem to only be a problem when I focus on it, like when I’m laying down or trying to do breathing exercises. When I’m focusing on a task it isn’t so much of an annoyance. So yes, I’ll try to see how long I can have like a perriphreal focus on it definitely


I was actually thinking something similar, because the body takes over when they sleep.

I have lung issues and use a nebulizer and take several medications everyday, and sometimes I lay down and my wheezing will bother me.

I just tell myself, my breathing is deep and easy, my body knows how to breath while I sleep so I will be okay.

I actually don’t usually focus on my breathing while meditating, because it highlights my issues. I try to focus on something else in my mind until I get there. I try not to think about breathing at all or even notice it.

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The other thing that I do a lot is I focus on my diaphragm moving up and down, in and out, whatever, depending if I’m laying or sitting. But, I try and focus solely on the skin part that’s contacting the air or my shirt when it moves. If I focus on my lungs and all that internal respiratory shit I start to struggle with the tightness and suffocating anxiety.

But, like I said, when I forget that my breathing is what’s making my diaphragm move and just focus on the moving- I get super relaxed…almost euphoric. It’s cool; a freebie if ya know what I mean:) Good luck!!

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