Astral Temple Explore

So I have went ahead and made an Astral Temple, and it’s currently closed off to thoughtforms but open to legitimate entities and projectors. I’ll be posting the “doorway” to it and would like those who would like, to test it and either scan it or preferably go there and tell me what you see. You don’t need to know how to astral project (mainly because it’s not as hard as it’s made to be) but simply allow the sigil doorway to pull you into it and you’ll be there at the entrance to the area that leads to the Temple.


Is it just me or do I feel a pull from the sigil. I feel kind of loose.

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It’s a door to the area where the astral temple is and I made it so it could pull in those who want to test it but can’t astral, basically an attempt to trigger a partial astral projection.

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Did you meet people in the temple today?


Do you know if anyone projected in the temple?

I’ll give it a go in a few hours and see what happens. I’ve been trying to learn to project for what seems like a lifetime so, maybe it’ll help me project and I’ll get somewhere for it for you lmao.


I’ll be closing the door once I get enough people to tell me what they see, feel and so forth.

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Lol that would be a interesting turn of events xD

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It would be lmao, I saw this earlier and thought well. I can’t project…

But I have been having a weird shift of awareness to a fixed perception outside of my body, when I try to project before I sleep, so…

I came back and decided I’d try it. Can’t hurt anything- the way I see it! Even though it seems highly unlikely, weirder shit has happened at times.

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I tried to program the door to pull those who want to test it but can astral into it to help them get there lol, whether they use it to explore the temple or go beyond that into the astral is fine too lol.

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Lol I figured if I projected, you wouldn’t care what I did after taking a look a round and letting you know what I saw :stuck_out_tongue:

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but i cant astral project lol


Technically shouldn’t matter if he got the programing right. I don’t know if it will be a like a servitor where it may need to learn it’s tasks and functions before its 100% spot on, or even if someone like me who has anphantasia can make it work, but theoretically it doesn’t matter if you can’t project.

If you want to try it, I’m sure he’ll advise you to try it


Don’t need to, just need to focus on the doorway and let it pull you in. My only advice is don’t expect 100% clarity as a lot of times projection happens beyond the darkness you see when your eyes are closed and you let it come to you.


Wasnt able to project but saw the doorway flashing, moving and kind of distording


No problem, thank you for trying.

when i slightly gaze at the img i see it sort of spinning slowly (outside counter clockwise, inside clockwise) then become 3D almost (outer became closer, inner became further away), then it started morphing? idk what that means but ill try again in a bit as im busy atm

That’s fine, take your time.
