Astral Projection Vs Lucid Dreaming?

So one question I’ve never found a good answer to online is astral projection a form of lucid dreaming or vice versa or are they completely different things? I’ve heard that they are separate, but I’ve also heard that they are the same thing. Some may say that it doesn’t matter if they are the same or different, it’s the experience that matters. To me the difference matters because I wish to know if I’m talking to a spirit or just myself.

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Astral projection and lucid dreaming are separate things. However, lucid dreaming can be used as a jumping off point for projection. Think of lucid dreaming like a preparatory step.

Spirits can use dreams to interact with you, but it is not the same thing as projecting, and it takes practice to tell the difference.

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I see. I have heard of using lucid dreaming to astral project, but I’ve never found a guide for it. Do you know where I could find one?

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Sorry, I don’t.

My advice would be to learn to project while awake, and learn to lucid dream while asleep, and then once you have a feel for each one separately, combine them.

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I’ve been trying to project for awhile now. I can’t seem to “separate” from my body or get to the vibrational stage.

Although personally I’d rather etheric project/Physical project, not sure I wanna be in the astral if all I’m gonna encounter are thoughtforms and parasites.

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Have you ever tried traditional techniques like Rising On the Planes? Basically, you simply relax in a chair, and imagine yourself moving upwards without moving your physical body. It starts as a mental projection, but the more you practice and focus on the sensation of upwards movement, the more real it becomes.


Well when it becomes more “real”…is your awareness/consciousness still in your body? Like is your perspective from your body? Are you (if eyes closed) still able to see your eyelids or does it feel like your actually outside your body?

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The movement carries you out of your body. It similar to the common technique where you imagine moving your astral/etheric arm within your physical body to “shake it loose” and get the feeling of separation. The difference is you focus on the feeling of movement upwards.


I’ve also seen people claim to have success with focusing on the falling feeling as well, though many people don’t recommend it on some goofy thought that you might fall through into the underworld lol.

I’m with you on not being there yet. I have had some progress where I became aware of no longer feeling my heartbeat, which immediately brought my thought to it. The next day I had it happen again and was like ok, almost next, the breathing is next… and nope. I’ve passed out everyday since before I got that far so no further luck lol. Soon. Soon I say.

Edit: and nearly half an hour later I realize that this got off topic and I only contributed. Ooops sorry.

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Astral projection is the collective mental plane in a way while lucid dreaming is your own mental plane astral can be reached via lucid dreaming.

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