Astral Projection Attempt with some Question

Hi Everyone!

Yesterday Night i tried to Astral Project with the Rope technic. I am able to get into very Deep relaxation state and i can get to the point where All my Body is vibrating and Shaking very strongly, my Heart Beat race and i can clearly Feel the Separation fo my Astral Body from my Physical one

But when i reach this Point i keep focusing on the rope climbing ,the sensation last for some time and Fade away and i’m still in my Body.

I believe it will take more try to achieve it. My Question is , when you succed in exiting your Body, What Happen? Did you just see yourself Flying Above it? with a Vision similar to the Physical one? or did it feel like its in your Head alone? Did you still Feel your Physical Body or Did you Just Forget it and instead feel your Astral one?

I hope this is Clear Enough since i have some Difficulties properly asking the Question i have in English.

If someone with Experience in Astral Projection who also Speak french, It would be great if you PM me so i can ask my Question in French more easily.


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That’s the exact same kind of experience I’ve had with conscious astral projection using the rope technique. I can’t achieve the separation in a way that I perceive is real.

But you know what? I’ve actually been astrally projecting from a light meditative state very naturally for years. I just didn’t recognize it as astral travel because I thought it needed to be “more real” somehow.

I just thought it was my imagination, but it felt like a memory and I wasn’t aware of my body at the time.

I’m projecting on a daily basis now and I never consciously feel that exit. I just go into a deeper meditative state and lose touch with my physical body.

Eva helped me confirm it was a real projection experience by asking two questions: “Does it feel like a memory to you? Do you remember what your physical body was doing at the time?”

The real experiences for me are the ones where it feels exactly like an actual memory and I have no idea what was happening to my physical body at the time.

I also lose all connection with time. I was performing an amulet charging ritual yesterday in both the physical and astral planes at the same time. I lost complete track of an hour and a half.

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Yeah same things Here, I can easily enter a Meditative state and Just project my Consciousness where i want, and it feel like a Memory and i cannot say what my Body is doing while i’m in this state,

I really appreciate your Reply since its Help me see that my Astral Projection in a Light Meditative state is more real then i thinked.


Oh, I understand. Eva had to help me see that. I’m glad I could pass it along. :slight_smile:

What I like about the rope technique is that is gets your head and neck separated. I used to have trouble getting those unstuck from my physical body.

For an effortless separation, use momentum. Anything that produces a feeling of momentum. I think that’s why the rolling out of your body technique is generally successful, it incorporates a degree of momentum. If you know momentum is the key, you can roll better and more effectively.

You could pull yourself up on the rope, and let yourself fall. Even better if you can push off of something.

As for where you end up after, that depends where your focus lies. I rarely end up in my room anymore, mainly because I have no interest in being there.

[quote=“Mephistor, post:1, topic:7923”]Hi Everyone!

Yesterday Night i tried to Astral Project with the Rope technic. I am able to get into very Deep relaxation state and i can get to the point where All my Body is vibrating and Shaking very strongly, my Heart Beat race and i can clearly Feel the Separation fo my Astral Body from my Physical one

But when i reach this Point i keep focusing on the rope climbing ,the sensation last for some time and Fade away and i’m still in my Body.

I believe it will take more try to achieve it. My Question is , when you succed in exiting your Body, What Happen? Did you just see yourself Flying Above it? with a Vision similar to the Physical one? or did it feel like its in your Head alone? Did you still Feel your Physical Body or Did you Just Forget it and instead feel your Astral one?

I hope this is Clear Enough since i have some Difficulties properly asking the Question i have in English.

If someone with Experience in Astral Projection who also Speak french, It would be great if you PM me so i can ask my Question in French more easily.


When you exit you move your conciousness into your astral body, it’s no much different with the sensation you carry with your physical body. Conscious projection feels as real as real gets.
If it comes as a memory of a dream or a faded event of the past that is unconscious projection.

Personally I was projecting for many years unconsciously, with the only confirmation being a feeling of falling or the feeling of getting punched hard in the face, when my consciousness returned to the physical body and a few scattered memories afterwards.

After I learned to stay aware of the projection and keep the memory, I managed to project with full consciousness in realtime.

When it happens, the first few times you’ll think that it didn’t work and get up to do things and then you realize that you can’t pick up the coffee mug or turn the water tap on. You then turn and you see your physical body on the couch, like a motionless doll.
The first time I experienced that, I instantly thought that I was dead.

People might say that this is an OBE, but I differ, as the instant you put a thought in your head it manifests (like being transported to a place). I believe OBE is the first stage of AP.

Your problem is the same problem I had. Once you start getting vibrations and you feel the detached astral body and a floating sensation, instantly your expectations raise you become impatient and you try to exit. When you do that you ankor yourself down firmly.
What you need to do instead is to drop the expectation, let the vibrations pass and just wait, wait and wait until you get bored. When you had enough get up and make yourself a sandwich (no pun intended ;)). While you’re getting up you may hear a noise in your head (like a crack or pop) or you may feel a sudden jerk. Don’t pay attention, just get up. 8 out of 10 you have projected successfully.

Now as I said before we need to learn to be aware of the projection for it to be real for all our sensations. What I do is to repeat to myself often, specific commands and intentions. “I have a real sensation of the astral, I have complete memory of the astral, I have a clear vision in the astral”, and so on.
I do this while I daydream or while I do mindfulness meditation.
I also do it each time before projecting.

These days I don’t try to project just for the sake of it. I let it happen naturally whenever it’s meant to happen. When it comes naturally I experience deeper projections. Like one I had last month with a Qliphotic sphere while I was meditating on the black sun. Hands down one of the wickedest projections I ever had.

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Thanks for all the Reply