Astral earth ascension

Have any of you heard of Astral Earth? Astral Earth is just like this plane except it is a bump higher in vibration. In that plane, you are in the astral but you have full physical form and are able to eat, and do other things. I know about this realm because many people I know soul traveled to it. In book of Azazel, it says this is the only plane where you can become a god. My question is, why can you not become a god there. In Astral Earth beings have physical bodies, so why can’t you practice evocations and gain power there. Isn’t it better than doing it here? in astral Earth, there are no health problems and no need for jobs/money. And I know of many people who have gone there straight after death to the part of astral Earth that they lived here. That throws out some people’s theories that spirits have no ability to enjoy the five senses. Also, people talk about their theories that the gods cannot create their own physical reality. I would think that if human has the ability to create their own astral realms, then a god can.
so why do people say that you can’t ascend in astral plane.


Me personally I think ascension is ascension, you can do it in any plane. You can move between the planes after ascension anyway. Also evocation is not the only way to gain power.
And I like astral earth.

Is this in the Compendium of Azazel or the Azazel Grimoire ??

Not sure

To be fair in some views the astral is the collective unconscious or a plane that is like a mental plane where thoughts, imaginations, fears, desires, can manifest on a whim due to the very loose density. Anyone and anything can create whatever they want there. Though based on what you said “a bump higher in vibration” sounds like the etheric plane where humans, nonhumans, and such reside/can go and live and eating and such is still a thing, though I feel as though the idea of currency exists everywhere just in different forms. Except for the astral since your imagination can create just about anything there. Though in any plane people can create what is called a pocket realm which is a small space within reality where they are practically god of that small place.

I am not sure what you mean by ascend to the astral unless you mean dying and going there, and if so I’m kind of on the idea that since it’s a realm where thoughtforms and such reside you can maybe stay there but I don’t believe one can reincarnate there, but I assume it’s probable to create a small pocket realm there for yourself after death.

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I have a firm belief that we are not at the stage where a lot of the masses are beginning to wake up to their inner divinity. More than ever spirituality and the idea of none corporeal beings is being widely accepted and not faced with so much skepticism as it was 10 years ago. This all began in December of 2012, when the mayan calendar predicted that we would hit a new dawn of human consciousness, also referred to as Christ consciousness. It is the next evolution for humanity and many ets aswell as non corporeal deities have come to the earth to help us with this process. It is a process from the inside, where we learn our heart is our true centre and compass into these higher planes of existence, or dimensions as they like to refer to them. This shift is currently happening on the planet and will go into full drive come the new year 2020. We are returning to the consciousness that Gaia (earth) was once vibrating at during the times of Atlantis and has now returned herself to, bringing these vibrations and frequencies available to her children (us). It is a matter of if we choose ourselves to ascend to these higher realms of consciousness. This is currently not a matter of suddenly popping into a different astral plane but rather a vibration we have to achieve within ourselves and then resonate out into the universe, the more people begin to do this the more we change our immediate environment and physical realities. Therefore, the first wavers who have now managed to somewhat hold and maintain themselves within the 5d vibrations in a stable manner will see that their physical realities bring them more abundance and joy than ever previously thought imaginable to them. They will be able to manifest very easily the ideas and thoughts as well as desires they possess for in 5d manifestation is a lot quicker than in 3d. It is thought that our collective consciousness as well as planet resides and has been in 4d for a few years now, hence the emphasis on time much of us have experienced within the past few years. But it is now our turn to higher our vibration to that of 5d and bring with it the abundance and joy it holds, once enough people have done this will we be able to collectively create what is often referred to as ‘the new earth’, or the ‘golden age’. This is the event, the judgement day that so many ancient and religious texts refer to but instead of the idea of us physically being brought to heaven and ascending in such a manner, instead we collectively bring heaven to earth (5th dimension), and with it realise our greater unity with the universe and everything in it. Once we realise that we are not separate from anyone else and are rather just different physical realities or surfaces of the same core, will we realize our connection to the universe and understand the concepts of unity that are neccesary to higher your consciousness to the 5th dimension and beyond. When the majority of the planet does this we can together create and truly embrace our divinity and connection to the universe, eachother aswell as our planet (gaia) for she herself is a living and breathing being, and we her children are cells on her celestial body. So in a way we will gain greater powers since our psychic abilities will be more attuned and easier to ascess in the higher dimensions aswell as our ability to manifest will be a lot easier without as much work or effort as in lower dimensions. The gods or higher vibrational deities understand these concepts and werent raised with the social conditioning and disinformation tactics used on our planet, and werent subject to the veil or amnesia that our planet has been subject to for thousands of years, and therefore realize their multidimensionality and divinity since birth from multiple lifetimes. They too did not live within the duality perception of duality that we on this planet have been raised with, believing that we are seperate and not connected to anyone outside our immediate family, this too is a lie. Once we understand all of this and raise our vibration we will be able to easier access and channel our higher selves aswell as the god like abilities that we have in the higher realms of consciousness, and once we have raised ourselves high enough we too should be able to manifest instantly, aswell as other abilities they have such as instant teleportation, telekinesis to name a few.

Hope this helps :slight_smile: ofc this is my own truth, but it is one a lot of people share on this planet. Hope that reading this will help you develop your own understanding of your connection to the universe aswell as give an explanation for the idea of the ascension and new earth that is forming for us right now.

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It would probably be better to TL;DR it, mainly because I can only read so much of jumbled text before my mind jumps around on it.

But the gist I’m getting is something leaning more towards the new age starseed-y ideology which is fine I suppose but not a belief of mine. As I don’t believe in the concept of higher and lower realms in the same sense as some of you portray it as, nor do I view Gods the same way as some of you.

Do you think we can transform our souls into deity and primordials?

Not a primordial no. However, I tend to lean towards the belief that a God can deify someone who is not a God by means of rebirth. However, I don’t view Gods as all powerful omnipotent omnipresent beings that people try so hard to be.

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