Aspects/Faces/Masks of King Paimon

I don’t know about that with Thoth, but I do know that I always was attracted to Thoth.

It is really deep! I feel like these deities are connected, though they are not the same entity–see what I mean? King Paimon, Hermes, Thoth are brothers; in fact during one channeling session I had with King Paimon, He called Eshu His brother. Hermes is the Greek ‘face’ of Eshu and Eleggua, which is His African face.
Orisha Inle is known as a Warrior who hunts on land and in sea, and Inle is considered the brother to Eshu/Eleggua, Ogun, and Ochosi who are all Warriors.
There is something to all of this. Each deity is so wondrous and unique that of course there are various aspects and faces of each, which each remains intact as a singular God. (am I making sense?) I tried to upload an image of an Inle statue… Notice the entwined snakes


Here are the ‘tools’ of Orisha Inle–They are received when an initiate receives Orisha Inle; this is consecrated at reception.Herramientas-De-Inle-Baba-Erinle-Orisha-Eyinle-Juego-_1


I have seen that statue before, probably somewhere online.

Well, I understand what you’re saying. That’s really interesting!

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However, I found indications online, that Eshu and Hermes, aren’t the same being. Don’t forget that having the same traits, doesn’t make two beings the same.

However, it seems that Eshu is actually working with Hermes, or something like that. As well as with Lucifer, etc.
There are some spirits, that work with him, due to his abilities and his domain.

The medical symbol though, that Inle has, is the one that Hermes has. It kinda makes sense if you think about the healing powers they have. I need to think about it further and perhaps do some research when I have some time!

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Exactly, they aren’t the same being-but they share traits, etc and I feel work together.
I’m a Palera (Palo-Mayombe) and there is a spirit called LUCERO and Lucero is the Palo-Mayombe equivalent to Eshu I always thought it interesting the name Lucero.


I’ll call him King Paimon from now on, thanks!


He’s not Thoth but he’s related to that energy. King Paimon is also a scribe


Yes, I know that. But they do have some connection at the very least.


@Kassapu what is a scribe ? A writer ? I think I had successful communication with him/her today. :slight_smile:


Yeah, you could say a writer. Also, congrats on your experience.

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Thanks it was interesting. I asked he or she, and the answer was she. So it’s a bit confusing. I think Paimon is usually described as a man ? To me the energy was more feminine than masculine. I can be wrong though.


He has both sides. All spirits do.


Yes, Human Beings also have both sides too~☆ as we are Beautiful Creatures of Matter, Form, Energetic Vibration & Spiritual Light.
We Are Gods as well on a different side of the same Ancestrial GodHead Spectrum. thts why we are drawn/pulled in2 wht we Adore. however… I :black_heart: 2learn &
nice thread


…This is what I know from a witch named Raven. If you don’t trust it. Try asking.

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That witch got them wrong by the looks of it. Thoth is just the Greek form of Tehuti. Also Pan is often linked to silvanus, who Azazel is thought to be a aspect of but not the same being.

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No lol
As @anon48079295 said Thoth is the Greek name of Djehuty.
Hermes has no connection with music, he has connection with Thoth and both of them are the “Word”.
Pan is a nature spirit connected with music as he was playing his pipe and audio illusions. Word “panic” comes from Pan.

I’ve evoked Hermes, KP and Thoth and aren’t the same entity.


The Hermes and Thoth connection I believe came about due to many people trying to assimilate Egypt into their mythology Greece being one lol, and then from there some LHP people were like “that’s totally Paimon lol. I honestly believe if Paimon Had a older place it would be Sumer but not as one of the currently well known beings.

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Connection, yes. Same being, no.

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Actually it started long loooong time ago, when ancient Greeks started travelling to Egypt, and while exchanging knowledge about the gods with the Egyptians they found out that both Hermes and Thoth have many common traits.
And even though its known that the gods where migrating from one civilization to another through the collective subconscious, the above historical fact doesn’t mean a lot to me personally, since I’ve heard for many deities that humans thought are the same, but they aren’t. I always thought that Hermes is Anubis but at the end, both Anubis and Hermes declined the connection, but Hermes and Thoth (to my surprise I must admit) accepted they’re the same being, just with a different consciousness based on the human consciousness that interacted with them. Which explains why you can summon both Hermes and Thoth at the same time and interact with them both and they will still operate separately.

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