Hi there. I was wondering if I can ask king asmodeus to assign me a jinn guardian using the book goetia pathworking by corwin hargrove?
I don’t see why not. Let us know what he says, that sounds interesting.
I did the ritual. When I ask if he would assign me a jinn guardian, I thought I heard a yes.
Congrats! Now time will tell, assume it’s coming and set out the welcome mat
Yes he can, the good thing about the Goetic Spirits is that they (at least in my experience) are spirits from different pantheons and even gods from the New World (The Americas, Oceania, even though they were little to no explored at the time the tome was created). I don’t know how, but the person who channeled the Goetic Magick (that by academy sources proven so far, it is very difficult to actually be the Magician Solomon of the Bible, maybe a magician using his name) channeled spirits from some tribes of Africa, Asia, Americas etc…