Ask Me Anything — Scholomance : The Order of the Dragon With N.D. Blackwood

The Qlipothic path and the vampiric path leads to differents goals (even if some could say that the vampiric path could correspond to an eternal existence in the Abyss of Daath).
The Qlipothic path leads to the disolution of the Ego throught the benefits of the Highter Self. The vampiric path leads to the immortalisation of the Ego while the Higher Self is casted away or even destroyed.
The Ego , wich correspond to your memory, willpower, passions is presented by some spirituals doctrines as being an illusion, while the true self, wich is without passion, non-action taking , is closer to the source of creation. The doctrine of vampiric practice consider your passions and willpower as your true personality while the supposed “higher self” is nothing more than an impersonal ilusion.
The process of pacting with a vampiric strain cuts one for the other.

Best regards.



Thank you for making it clear, I was very confused, but I’m starting to get how this path works now. Cheers!

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You wellcome

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Greeting, i am rly wondering if i should start going onto the path of scholomance but i am wondering if human energy is the only energy we would be able to take in?

In general i am having a few doubts that i might regret going on said path not bc i would mind feeding on humans but rather because how filthy humans are.

and another point is that i feel uneasy abt the “masters living inside you” effect of the symbiosis. I am wondering what would this mean? wouldn´t it be like surrendering your body to these masters?

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Human essence is a formidable source of life, but no, it’s not the only source of life avaible in this universe. You are free to try to feed from other sources. In the end of the book, I transcript a ritual called “feeding from the stars”, wich is pretty Lovecraftian in inspiration, but was part of the Green Order experiences. In this ritual, you will try to feed from the heart of the sun itselft. Of course such ritual implies that you are fluent with astral projection, in order to maintain an optimum stability during the experience.

Now from my experience, the symbiosis with the members of the Strain is way more “distant” than the “classical image” we have of demonic possession. You will have visions inspired by them, you may have them talking to you, particulary during rituals, moments of extacy, pleasure, pain or focus. You will, most of the time, feel guided in most your magickal actions (and I guess, in some of your mundane actions too). For what I can tell you from my own case, it’s very enjoyable.


i see thank you for clarifying this

so it would be like a invocation of those masters?

Without you having to call them to feel their presence, hear their voices, or be inspired by them in your dreams or daydreams.

Dear friends

In few nights, I will be perform one of the most sinister ritual of vampirism that I known, accompanied with my friend E.A Koetting.

E.A is a formidable evocator, and the most experience magician I can think about to assist me in that tasks. In this particular case, his help will be more than wellcome as the ritual we are going to perform is enormous. During the night of Saint Andrew, traditionally associated with Vampirism in Romania, we are going to evoke the Undeads masters from the Order of the Dragon chain . This beings were once what we are now, human magicians, who conquered Death and Ascended to a form of predatory immortality, throught Black Magick.

Rare are the entities that I know that I could consider more powerfull and dangerous than they are, beings with centuries of experience, whose consciouness have been strong enought to defeat the curse ultimate curse of humanity, and whose existence continues in multiple plans.

During this unholy night, we are going to manifest their presence on this plan, and present you to them, as newcomers to their bloodline. For those brave enought to embrace this Path, the final gift of is immortality of consciouness.

To understand the nature of immortality offered by Initiatic Vampirism, it is important to describe the process of life, death, and reincarnation as transmitted by traditions of the Far East such as Hinduism and Buddhism, but also through the transmigrationist visions of philosophers such as Pythagoras and Ovid. At the moment of physical death, the superior bodies of man assimilated to the spirit and soul, are separated from the physical envelope and projected onto the Astral Plane, known to Tibetan Buddhists under the name of Bardo. This world is designated by Eastern doctrines as a plane of illusion and dreams due to its manipulable nature. During a given period, the energetic body of the man wanders the plane, living experiences both paradisaical and infernal, while gradually disintegrating, as the vital essence of his composition slowly fades away. According to Tibetan Buddhism, this is an impermanent process lasting about forty days. This is the process known to European occultists as the second death, whereby the astral body containing the earthly identity, ego, personality, and memories is gradually destroyed. Depending on his karma, a notion which is to be understood here in a totally amoral way, the soul of man would then orient himself towards his next incarnation according to elements that either attract or frighten him through different visions that he receives in the plane of illusion.

Vampirism makes it possible to definitively break this process. The Vampiric Chain, also called the Blood Pool by some traditions, with which the Vampiric adept makes a pact, acts as a new anchor for the energetic body, through which it pours its energy, gradually modifying it. The vibratory anchor that constitutes the Vampiric Chain allows the follower to maintain his presence on the Astral Plane, in his layer closest to the Material Plane, thus allowing him to safeguard his consciousness, memory, identity, and powers. However, it would be quite inaccurate to assert that this personality remains identical, because like any individual who is getting older, this personality is constantly evolving and gaining powers. Entering the Vampiric Chain will transform you into one of them. After your death, you will endure through the living followers of the Dragon Path. You will taste by their mouth, take pleasure by their body, and will be eternal forever. Your Vampiric body will continue its existence on the Astral Plane, strengthening its will and power over the course of years. The oldest vampires, although remembering their earthly existences, are today entities not limited to our planetary sphere and travel on a variety of different planes. The vibratory energy, to which all the members of the Chain are attached, flows throughout the astral body of the adept of the Chain, in the vessel of the soul, crystallizing it, and truly transforming it into the Body of Black Light. Through the Chain, the adepts of Vampirism are thus linked to one another like a hive. It is important to understand this notion, because it implies the adepts of the Chain are, in practice, gateways to the Physical Plane for the Initiates of the past. In other words, through the Dracúl to whom your body is offered during the rite, it is also the consciousness and the powers of the other members of the Chain that you will receive inside yourself

For those who have entered the Vampiric Chain, the psychic powers of witchcraft quickly become natural. The pact greatly helps their development, although sustained work is necessary to obtain a perfect mastery. One specialty of the Vampiric Chain is a power known within the Green Order under the name of Black Fire.

The Black Fire is the Draculean essence. It is used during most Vampiric High Magick rituals, and notably allows the use of the squares from Abramelin’s book. Followers of the Chains are also introduced to completely new methods of Vampirism that amplify their ability to drain bloodessence, and through which they feed the other members of the Chain, while feeding themselves. Lastly, on the Astral Plane they will easily adopt the form of the Strigoi, a hybrid creature halfway between man and bat, a source of fears and fantasies.

If like me, you fill an inner call to the Path of Immortality and if you are ready to embark on the most sinister path of magick to achieve it, then there is just few days left before the ritual.

Join us now on Scholomance: The Order of the Dragon | N.D. Blackwood | Become A Living God and be one of the last to join our Rite


N.D Blackwood


Dear N.D.,

What about modern Vampire hunters? How do real Vampires avoid them modern times?
Are there dark magickal protections and defenses to ward them away or weaken their Light magick arsenal/abilities?

After becoming Living Vampires, can we visit Xtian churches/places of worship (for “feeding” purposes)? Or is that a bad idea (energetically)? I know it will not sever connection (since we’ll be locked into VC eternally). But would it do something worse? Like damage our personal connection to Dark Undead Lords + Vampire Chain?

I read awhile back that Xtian and many other common religious organizations have huge amount of spiritual energy connected to it…even if it’s on more light end of magick spectrum, we could still absorb & transmute it for our own dark energetic needs, right or not?

Thanks in advance!


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I am interested however I would like to know the difference between the dark gift ritual and
Magick Vampirism Initiation Ritual what are the pros and cons of each how are they different Witch is more powerful


Hi ND,

I’m enjoying working my way through your Scholomance book and have a couple of questions on vibrating the Abramelin formulas. Firstly, how are the single letters pronounced, as the letter name e.g. “Bee” for B or as the sound “b” for B? Secondly, for “Q”, what is the sound?

Many thanks, Paul

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How did the very eldest vampires create the chain in the first place? Would you agree that there are other methods of vampire soul alchemization besides initiating through the undead masters or the dracul chain? For instance, initiating with a demon.

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There are still few people, mainly elderies in the Balkans region who destroyed graves, ripp the heart of cadavers and burn it before infusing the ashes in a tea to make victims of vampirism drink from it. In the 2000’s a case was brought to the tribunal in Romania.
In the western part of Europe, this type of practice have apparently disaspeared.

It is possible for vampire to enter churches or mosques without damaging any form of link or connection we may have with the spirits. As long as you deny the power of this place, they won’t affect you in any manners. In “work with Darkness”, EA Koetting explain that a vampire among his friend used to go on regular base to mass and other religious celebrations to feed for the energy of people gathered inside the Church.
Human essence is human essence and religious places are a great hunting place, as people are in a particular state of meditation, prayer and purification, and the energy that emanates from them is of the best quality.




Greetings Razeor

Your first question is beyond the limit of my knowledge.
There is another method that the Chain that being said, but I tend to consider it less powerfull. People here who have practiced both this methods are wellcome to give their impressions on that matter.
One would be to devellopp each skill of vampirism ( feeding of vitale forces, astral projection, sexe magick) with demons. That’s a work that I propose in Draugadrottin, or in the vampiric initiation pact. With this options, a demon his here to assist you with every domain and you will progress with it during all your life.

There is also the option of develloping those skills without the assistance of anyone, the Path of the Moroi. I will cover in “The vampire handbook” , presented in the new Ascent book released soon.

Hoppe this have replied to your questions.


Thank you for the response, I myself am a vampyre initiated with demons.

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I am wanting to know if it is possible to book a Vampiric Initiation Pact and a additional consultation on the same day 20 min consultation is ok but I might have more question just to ensure everything that I want to ask gets asked seems like a very powerful path and unique type of work that I feel draw to preserving ones memories after passing and vampirism in general appeal to me also have your new book so far like it not finished reading have already worked with demons some of them related to vampirism any advice on getting myself ready for working with this current any simple exercise or objects I can place in my home that have a energy that can help perhaps obsidian is the 9 mouth preparatory ritual a good idea would you recommend visiting the places used in the past for vampiric practices I have no problem with doing long term practices just like to know what I can do in the mean time also I Rember some of your interviews with ea before they got pulled form YouTube wondering if you plan on doing more public content also saw you vid with cult of you liked it fellow Nietzsche fan that is cool


Hello sir

Of course you can purchase the Ritual and a consultation, we can arrange to have it done the same day (in wich case, I’ll just book more time the day of the Ritual), or few days before. Thats really up to you.

I have a lot more “public” stuff coming next. I’ll be part of the next co-writen grimoire with E.A, Mac Gregor and Adrieh Vetimus to release an essay called the Vampire Handbook. I will be dealing about vampiric transformation by yourself, using the process of Life Drain and Sexual Alchemy to build the immortal vehicule called the Body of Black Light.

I’m currently working one a third book.


Greetings and good day Mr.Blackwood, I was wondering if you could elaborate on the topic of the crystalization of the astral body and the “rupture” with “higher” bodies. Specifically im curious how this effects a practicioner in the long run. Does one totally lose access to their mental and causal bodies, or is it more the case that they are assimilated into one body which is used to access the higher planes? I’m quite interested in the path of the Drakul after reading scholomance, but the idea of losing access to parts of myself closer to the source and access to the mental and causal planes perturbs me. Thank you as well for taking the time to answer questions, it’s very much appreciated.

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thank you

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Hello my good friend ,

Congratulations, on the release of now your second complete and individual publication of what I hope is another successful endeavor of the time, Scholomance. ( Forgive my spelling if I make any mistakes plz).
In attempts to keep my messages short , to the point and yet still encompassing all of the main energy within my intentions and inquiries. That being said. May I ask your opinion upon which or what type of spiritual guidance did you call upon when you were amidst achieving the harrowing and intensely frightening yet ultimately rewarding initiations ? Had they changed over time depending on your development upon The path? Or had there been a particular patron that stuck with u through it all? And having a slight interaction with my energy thus far, can you suggest any particular entities influencing or would like to influence success upon this particular path( ultimately the path of the Dragon). For a practioner such as myself who has been dedicated but completely solitary in practice, approaching adepthood and gaining what I want to call progress and ,noticeable attainment of personal power . Aside from the dark Lord’s given in Draggadrottinn, can u suggest an entity that wants to engender success to a mage like me? ( The consequences of failure and becoming a enternal snack to sip on for eternity is such a waste of this incarnates current potential, ego aside I know I am meant to provide more and to and achieve something miraculous.
I would like to make sure , that I am on the winning end of who that miraculous benefit encompasses.
To be blunt, as Loki is a conduit to unexpectedly help the gods attain more or rather grow past their current perception of themselves as perfect beings by giving them an adversary for them to overcome… endlessly scheming and in constant controversy and flux due to his nature as the adversarial force and aspect to be victorious over…( Marvel movie concept).
How does one , become part of the 1 or 2% of people successful in this type of apotheosis,? I guess is my core inquiry…
Thanks again for your time , and although my habits and dedication has improved. I still feel lots of work needs to be done before I purchase Scholomance.
Unless it sold out like your first publication, in that case I won’t wait . I will save it untill I am ready.
Darkest blessings
Rowencain Ankh’lassas Morningstar
; Rory McLellan