Ask Me Anything — Advanced Vampire Magick With N.D. Blackwood

You mean I allow them to drain me first before I can drain them?

I have pictures of all my targets. You mean I cannot transfer some of the youthful energy to the other person and maintain some of it in myself? That I cannot restore both hers and my youth on the same time?

And you won’t exactly drain them. That would be considered an attack.
You will wait for the flow of bloodessence to come to you as a reward.

Can I drink or inhale to much vitality during a vampiric operation? I inhale 7 through my heart chakra with nose and do also an inhale 7 time with mouth.

From my point there is nothing as "too much vitality " , but you might overload yourself and create a state of excitement that could, for exemple, affect your sleep, if you were do it it just before going to bed.
With time, the energy that you consume will be regulated by your body. But doing some exercises such as "The small circulation " of Qi Gong might be a good addition to keep your body in balance.

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I want to ask about the elixir of life I drink during ritual. In Bardon’s work IIH he talks about how water cleans the chakras or energy system which has been the foundation for me to drink after the ritual is done. When I do that by drinking the elixir of life does it also mean I wash out the youthful energy I have drained?

The cleansing water is only supposed to wash you from toxic and unwanted things.

Not sure if anyone ever asked this, but I’ll give it a shot: Do you have any rituals/spells that can manifest any and all your wishes? Just wondering, since I keep seeing your book pop up everywhere, really wish I could buy it.

My next book, Scholomance : The Order of the Dragon will enter into this domain.
There might be two different answers to your questions.
The first is a form of Magick wich was performed inside the Order of the Dragon, and use a Luciferian variation of the magick of Abramelin. Here you will find different squares and spirits linked to every domain of life, for wealth, to love, shapeshiting, banefull magick, spying and even control over the weather.
The second I could think of is a form of Magick the the Undeads are masters off : Dream magick. This is a most simple for of magick in terms of concepts, as it doesn’t include any ritualistic form. But do not be mistaken, it is harder to master and his in some sort pretty similar to the Path of Buddhism as you will have to be conscient during every minute that the world we live in is a collective illusion. Instead of bypassing the illusion or rejecting it, you will reshape it to your own desire at every second.

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When will your next book be released ?

Next autumn or winter, the actual released date is yet unknown.
Until there, a third edition of my first book, Draugadrottin , will be available around May.

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I’ll wait impatiently

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And that could be their diseases and other negative traits? Is negativity the same as “toxic” in magical context?

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It has been confirmed through my pendulum divination that when I drink from the elixir of life at the end of ritual I wash out the youthful energy I drain making my vampiric path working total waste. If I drink from it at the beginning of the ritual I wash out the youthful energy that my system have kept in 24 hours. When the energy is in my system in these 24 hours will it in time make my younger or do I have to drain new youthful energy on the already youthful energy I have in me?

It is a ritual that you created for yourself (the Elixir of Life). So basically, you and the spirits you are working with, are the only ones that actually knows how to make it work.

The only thing that work as a universal rules in this arts is that you’ll have to drain often.
Some drain 3 times par week, some drains one time per day. The more you practice it, the more results you’ll get. It is pretty much like a sport routine.

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The only thing I had said as a routine or tradition is “bless the elixir of life”. I was not aware that it actual washed the youthful energy away. I do also say after creating the demonic elemental circle “Protect me from all unwanted energies”. Is it possible that it’s the spirits that actual remove the unwanted energies which causes me to only have the positive from the target I drain? Are there other liquid I can drink from the chalice instead that will not wash the energies away?

I drain/inhale 9 times during daily ritual?

Yes, but remember that 9 times is given as “routine base”.
Once you will be more familiar and empathic with your target, you’ll be able to determine by yourself how many inhalation you need to take to drain correctly.

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Does it work in the way that the more I have inhaled then longer it takes for my system to absorb it all like drinking a lot of liquid which is why I have it in my system within 24 hours?
You talk about the ageless appearance. What is it that causes that?

You mean the Undead will drain me empty and then fill me with their energy into my empty shell?

What happens if I infuse some of my blood in a girlfriend for instance and I then use my vampiric operation drain youthful energy will the energy then also pass to her because of the magical link with my blood?