Ask Me Anything — Advanced Vampire Magick With N.D. Blackwood

Theoretically if we got to a point of doing IVF with optimised zygotes, then you cause the newly fertilised egg to split many times while still young enough, you could then freeze the sequential splits (like identical twins, only many more of them) and have each one brought out of deep freeze and implanted after death of the first manifest form of N. soul.

I think that kind of thing will appeal the most to those who on some level, fear being judged, fear that the afterlife may treat them differently than they can command in life, so I’m not wholeheartedly in favour of it, and I know I carried some basic ideas over from my own past lives as well, so death isn’t the great cosmic mindwipe some people think.

The conventional method of trying to pass along one’s culture, values, and genetics via raising several healthy children seems far simpler, and rewards mental and emotional stability, social conscience, and a strong future-consciousness with regards to pollution, etc. But that’s probably a little off-topic, apologies. :smiley:


I have a theory that some people give credit too in an immortalist perspective. I share it in the last chapter of the book, because I think that people could find it attractive and interresting, and may want to start there own researches about it.

As I say in this chapter, I give suggestion and axes of working, but insterested people will use this pages as a starting point. Transhumanism is a very large subject, that would deserve a library of it’s own. Some of the people involved in are magicians, most are atheistic scientists , all are in the quest for the same thing.

Indeed some of the last chapter ideas, those from an Occult point of view are my creation. I suggest to use a similar process that is used for possession, to be able to take back a new physical body, if science allows you to have one, one day in the future.

But as mentionned in the book, this is an hyppothesis. We start working with 21th century materials, this may work and allows us to push the frontier of possibility a littler further…or simply not. People are free to find the idea seducing, or not.


Is there a valid reason you are expertly maneuvering around the actual questions, or is it simply within your personality to evade the awkwardness?


Well, I honnestly tend to do my best to answer your question.
My personnal feeling is that you want me to give some “certainty” about this particular chapter. There is actually no certainty. It’s an hyppothesis, and the deffinition you gave of it, is pretty correct.

My intention was to share that with the public, as it is quite important in my mind, and that I strongly think that magick evolves with times and the tools at our disposition. I like to close the book on that chapter, because it is pretty much the most uncertain and mysterious thing.


No I simply wish to know what your claims are based on and asked several questions that could have lead me to surmise whether or not you were full of shit, or actually knew your stuff. I’ll have to scroll backwards, but I’m actually pretty sure you deftly circled around a few others as well.

It’s nothing personal that we are asking these questions, we would and do ask questions of anyone sharing there work on the forum so that we can make logical and educated assumptions on whether or not to attempt using someone’s techniques is safe, what results we can expect and to prepare for what effects they may have on our practices.

Honestly, I’ve done my best to tone back how I ask such questions in order to be respectful to one who is endorsed by this forums founders. I am usually much more blunt and honest in my interactions with other members. It’s rather saddening however, that they turned you loose without any expectations of you running into real practitioners with legitimate questions about your practice and the origins of your techniques. I would have hoped they knew they had a few real practitioners online almost all hours of the day.


I may have not interpreted your questions, as english isn’t my first tongue. If you consider that I haven’t reply to all questions, please accept my sincere apologies.

If you want to know the “sources”, from a scientist perspective, I can propose books that are pretty popular in the transhumanist “world”, such as " Transcend: Nine Steps to Living Well Forever “The singularity is near” and “How to create a Brain”, by Kurzweil . “Ending Aging” by De Grey is pretty good too. Once again, this are books from inventors, that make pronostics on the future. No one is sure of when, it will able exactly. You can make the gamble, or not.
I personnaly found the idea interresting, from a purely materialistic point of view, and I think that using the back up of occultism could be a very usefull addition to this work, as mathematician tend sometimes to dismiss conscience and it’s importance.

To answer this second half of your text, using this technique can’t be considered “safe”, it can be considered experimental. Feels free to try, or not. For now, the only thing we are sured of , is that bodies frozen in societies like KryoRus have the best conservation that any human body ever could benefitt from since probably the begining of human history. Transhumanist scientist hopes to one day be able to bring them back to life.
Will they succeed ? I don’t know. Am I ready to try my chance ? Hell, yes .

What I am proposing to others in this chapter, is to explore this possibility, and to bring into the game something that most transhumanist consider : occultism. I propose to use principles very similar to posession, to be able to re-integrate this vessel. The ritual I constructed for it, is based on another ritual, supposed to allow you a conscient reincarnation. This time, I propose to not focus on the foetus as your next vessel, but on the physical envellope waiting for resurection.

It may work, or it may be a failure.

I may need to add that I suggest to people to not use this as one possibility, but not there “only” possibility. But in my opinion, the option was worth mentionning.


To be honest the best magician in uk…in the 80s claims meet a 200 years guy.but tat guy die in his 90s,another guy spain is 113 years old,he’s alive now and come from a long secret vatican society. Tru it’s spells to get vitsly and energy like chighon or whatever it’s simple recipes,I read some are like teas in certain days hours, who some claim live up to 300 years, others use blood magic and invocation yo live longer in mexico. Course tat will cost you a few bucks and tested and safe.


For what it worth, some societies propose to keep sample of our DNA.
This have already be usefull in some medical case. Scientist hoppes to own to be able to devellop compatible organs for exemple, for the DNA of your “younger self”.
I find the hyppothesis intringuing. One thing is sure, for people who would like to use this, better make this “date saves” while they are pretty young.


With the resurrection stuff and extraterrestrial stuff this just sounds like some Heaven’s gate stuff to me.


Both sound quite interesting


Does anyone have any information on the vampyric entitie named denastroman mentioned in the first vampirism series on conner kendalls youtube channel?


I have a feeling connor kendall might now more about it


:sweat_smile: hes very busy


What I’m really curious about is how you got started in vamprisim? Where you first ventured to gather this knowledge? Also it was briefly mentioned in the about of your books dabbles in immortality. Can you elaborate how this will feature in the final thing?


I see that your forum account is only at the current time is 9 hours old at the current time. My question is where are all of you big shots most of the time? Are you here under different accounts?


Honestly, I couldn’t find anything not on balg’s website for this pen name, so he could be anyone.


I appreciate you coming to talk with us. Im sure you have much more to share, so we will be waiting.


Hello! I have an interesting experience regarding vampiric attacks on stones. I did a rite with an Obsidian sphere, attacking it with vampiric intent until it “died”. When it did, I filled it with the intent to draw in negative energy and amplify it, as well as drawing in positive energy, transmuting it into dark energy, and amplifying it. This is for shadow work, and I see such strong results! Great for curses, vampiric feeding, vampiric attacks, and general dark magick too! I figured i’d share this here since this is all about vampirism.

What are your experiences with this style of stone magick?


Just throwing my insignificant experience with that into the ring:
even IF the entity tolerates such endeavours it doesn’t protect the practicioner from the side effects of taking its energy in such a manner. That shit is like drugs and the withdrawal effects are real. Its a perfect setup to throw yourself into a dependency relationship that could turn you into a mindless junkie :relieved:


Well, Timothy contacted me yesterday morning and suggested me to create an account here in order to answer questions about the book we are going to release, wich I was pretty happy to do by the way. I’m not a regular member of this board.
I’m not very active on forums actually. I had my period back in 2010/2012, when that type of plateforms where pretty much a thing for every domain, since app such as Facebook, and Whatsapp group or Telegram seems to have taken the “flame”, at least here in Europe.

As mentionned by Keteriya, I choose to write that book with a penname. I would like my occult activities and my carreer to be pretty separated.