Ascension and failure to Reach the top!

How do you guys cope with the fact that doesn’t matter how far you go there will always be someone above you, who if wants can easily fuck you up. Learned a bitter truth ( For some reason finding that truth is always bitter ) that There is no top, peak. And it goes on forever. So there will always be someone above you !!!

Or is the problem being hyper competitive, specially with EVERYTHING !!! And one should take it as a playful game???!!!


I just accepted that there will always be those above me and that’s cool to ne honest. I recall the story of Anubis giving his throne to Osiris when he passed, that shows that love of what you do is wjat matters.

I’m personally not in Magick to compete and prove who’s the best. I’m just happy if I can be a guide and get done what I want to get done.

That being said, instead of competing, we should seek to improve ourselves as well as others.

“As Iron Sharpens Iron, One Person Sharpens another” - Ginchin Funakoshi


Magic isn’t a single skill set. It’s more like athletics, you can be the best at swimming and still only be pretty good at running. Being the best at everything is generally impossible, because skills decay with disuse. Generally the way that people deal with this is through specialization.

Another thing to keep in mind is that many of those that are so much further along than you are also quite a bit older than you, and will likely die long before you do. In addition to that, like with mountains, the starting slope of a skill is easy to climb, but gets steeper as you progress. After so a while it can take years to gain an extra ounce of progress. So it is easier for an apprentice to become a master than for a master to become a grandmaster.


Also I don’t go out looking for fights in Magick nor do I disrespect anyone else’s systems.

Magician vs Magician fights always start from a small issue and then escalate upwards. This is why you protect yourself and work with Gods that are protective by nature and why you don’t disrespect a fellow Magician.


Hmmm, hyper competitiveness has always worked for me but there was something missing. May be the joy of doing it. Also in spiritual pursuit, not only magick, competitiveness for some reason doesn’t fit well. I mean The Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree to surpass Krishna !!!. May be this is the only path where you have to just compete with yourself, that also in a graceful way.

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yes, I don’t practice magick often. But in other practices I have seen many had a golden period of time when they accelerated immensely but later either gave up that pace or just couldn’t.

Yes, There is generally a cap of what one could attain in one’s effort. There is a reason why there is No second Buddha.

Magick is interesting, there are so many skill. For example there are only a handful who has fully mastered the art of conscious possession with the dial controlling it’s degree at his hand. Occult is interesting, it is not uni directional, like many other practices.

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Yes you need to compete with yourself. Remember that Krishna and Buddha are incarnations of Vishnu.

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It is a matter of ego. Let go of the need to be BEST, MOST whatever…and strive to be at your best and compete only with yourself.
That way, you are elevating and evolving yourself instead of treading on heads to get ahead.
The little magi squabbles dont make a magi “better”, it just makes the winner a better asshole and nobody actually wins anything but a bigger ego.
People would do well to mind their own fucking business and focus on becoming a living god instead of a living degenerate.


I agree but at the same time don’t forget that Ego also get’s a lot of things done. Specially giving that extra punch from inside when needed. May not be the case in spiritual pursuit. Man I had goals to climb that ladder up there - very few can imagine, but the first step to do it is Giving up Ego and Desire !!! The fucking Absurdity.!


Theres a good reason for that. Ego has its place…just learn where. :wink:


I personally quite like when it when there are people above me, especially fellow magicians, as it’s much easier to learn something when you can learn from those who have come before you. I aspire to reach great heights, partially so that I may enjoy the luxuries that come from such power, partially so that I may reach down and pull up those around me. Power’s more fun when you have powerful friends, after all.


Well, the thing with power is that if there is Just one person above you, the whole pursuit, endeavor becomes meaningless. Unless one compromises. I mean who had their childhood dream to get silver medal in Olympics, or rank second in their class. Everyone wants the First spot and guess what, there isn’t any in the larger picture ! Strange , nah !!!

yea, the Larger picture, the absurdity lies there.


Simple. nothing from my most basic, to my likely impossible goals with magic, require me to be the best.


I don’t think it has to be meaningless, especially if there is mutual respect between the competitors. One may be at the top today, but then the other may learn and rise above, then the other, on and on. A continuous cycle of learning and improvement. Sounds preferable to stagnation, that’s for sure.


It makes me relieved. I would never want to be the “sure authority” or “highest” word on something. I’m always eager and anxious for expert opinion and wisdom.

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There is a second buddha named padmasambhava (the lotus born) or guru Rinpoche.
Buddha(shakyamuni) also prophesied about him.
Not also second there was buddha of past and future.
The buddha of past told one incarnation of buddha that one day he would also become a buddha.
There are like 1000s of buddha in Buddhism tradition.

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