Are you part of a coven?

I’m not a member of a coven. I’m a member of a group affiliated with Freemasonry, but it’s not a magical group in any general understanding of the term. I’ve been invited by magick groups of various types to participate in their rituals as a guest, and took them up on it. I’ve been invited to join certain groups, but I’m basically a reclusive loner at heart. Still, I get the appeal of joining a group, especially since I live in an area where occult practices of any sort are regarded with extreme suspicion. It’s nice to have fellowship (as your mother pointed out about Christianity). It’s good to meet people who are, regardless of your chosen path, on the same page.

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No and I am afraid of becoming a member of a coven. I got trust issues o.O

Not at the current moment, no. For starters, there are no covens within my immediate area. I am a part of the Bible Belt, so there are very few covens and LHP occultists to find. They either don’t exist in my area, or are too far from me to have a weekly gathering :cry:. But even if there was one near me, I probably would still choose to be a solo practitioner. Such groups (at least from my knowledge) are known to have conflicts and gossip. That is something I do not have the time or patience for.

I consider the BALG Community the closest thing I have to a coven for now. The people on this forum are some of the most intelligent and open-minded people that I have come across, and have really assisted in helping me feel less insane.


Yo, this whole thread was worth that one line. Lmao perfect!