Are you a tool?

We all have our own approach in how we contact entities, and in the relationships we have with them.

Our ‘view’ of them has many blinders, and inhibiting factors, and many of us are left operating with a fraction of the whole picture. We can see what we can see from where we stand, but the entities have different points of view. Where you are, the top of a tree, birdseye view, satellite vision etc.

/So, how do you know you are not just a pawn in another’s plan? Entities in particular. Do you think there is a possibility benevolence is backhanded? Are you REALLY certain you are in control or have you been granted the illusion of control?/

Spheres of influence areas important to entities, as they are to us.

Defined as “a field or area in which an individual or organization has power to affect events and developments.” This is your ‘reach’. What is within it, you may effect. What is outside of it, you have to get to first. Chances are if youre just getting into the craft, you wont be able to kill somebody with a curse. Your sphere of influence doesnt expand into control over death and destruction right off the rip, you have to work at it. Same with toppling a corrupt organization, or wealth magick. You wouldnt expect to carve a masterpiece out of a rock your first time picking up a hammer and chisel, would you? Same deal. The effects of manipulating this are far reaching,

Expanding this sphere can be done exponentially by connecting with others , and eventually having them be ‘under your flag’ so to speak. In this, their sphere becomes yours, and you now gain access to what is in that individuals reach. This is how groups work. When intentionally focussed, an extreme form of this concept is the creation of cults.

Those using spheres of influence on the subtle levels have the charisma that brings others trailing. Energetic attachment. Magnetized. I think the French have a phrase that I will butcher(im sorry :frowning: ): je nais se qua?

Those mentally focussed on the spheres have the manipulation down. These are diplomats, politicians, those who negotiate. Generally they make deals that wind up in their favor. They use carrots, or sticks. Good deal, win win, bringing you over to me one ‘solid’ at a time. Or a threat, bringing you over to me or i fuck you up until you come over to me.

Success is determined by, and also determines your reach. Often those who are successful do both of these things, intentional or not. In everyday life you can begin doing it, you can legitimately have people doing shit for you, supportive of your cause.

But herein lies the trick:
Those who you have leadership over, those who are contained within your sphere of influence, have varying needs and expectations which must be addressed. The best way, long-term, is by win-win negotiation(so you dont have do anything for free), and then teaching the basics so that the individual can finish work on their needs themselves; the work that you started for them.

Doing this doesnt necessarily have to be coldhearted manipulation. It could* be in a genuine and loving way.

So is your sphere your own? Or are you under another’s flag? How do you know youre not being completely played?

[Im not for nor against what people do or dont do, this is for general discussion on the topic]


In the grand scheme of things, there are forces far beyond our control. Forces that guide existence. Things pretty much manipulate other things regardless.

But in regards to this forum as a whole, this post is a solid point. Many people are focused on the worship of demons and don’t seem concerned about their personal sovereignty or even divinity. Respect is nice until you shackle yourself. Then it’s unhealthy and pretty much slavery, which is part and parcel why people live Xianity.


Does it matter, if you can live how you want or get what you want–even with the illusion of personal power? Serious question. Not trying to be flippant.

It doesn’t seem like people care. Also don’t think there’s a way to truly be neutral and avoid dogma. People are just inherently religious. I think the fact you had to ask this question proves this.


In my opinion, it DOES matter. Personal sovereignty is much more than just living or getting what you want. For me at least, part of that means not being under any control but my own. We are not tools for higher beings. We are higher beings ourself.

Lol how does my asking the question insinuate an inherent religion on my end?


Do you think there is a difference between Archetypal control, like that of universal forces, and personal control, like that of sentient beings expanding their sphere of influence?

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This is why I keep saying that when picking entities to work with that it is important to make sure your vision and goals are in line with theirs so you don’t become just a tool, and instead are working together for mutual benefit.


Some people get off on complete submission to uncaring entities, too:

–Constantine Charagma & Erica Frevel, The Deplorable Word

Or perhaps complete control is impossible and Engels (paraphrasing Hegel) had it right: [true] freedom is recognition of necessity.


Depends on your perception. Do you wish to awaken the spirits within your psyche to compel change and manifest your true will on this corporeal plane, or are you seeking devotion to another man-made entity to avoid the burden of self-responsibility?
In my opinion, if you are not actively seeking to discover and enact your will in your magickal workings, then you are indeed a pawn. You are only in control if all aligns with your will, it’s that simple.

And no control is not an illusion—it is only perceived as such because we operate within a cosmos of limitation, which inherently restricts us from becoming aware of unlimited possibility.


Not you specifically, but broadly speaking.

I’m speaking as someone who’s been criticized for being on the fence, only to realize the level of commitment many expect mirrors that of any other kinds of fanaticism; even if it’s just a worship of self, your knowledge, or a quest for power.

The deeper you go, all people are doing is replacing the worship of gods with other stuff.
That’s why I think humans are inherently religious; so much so that I don’t think being a pawn matters as long as people get what they want and live on their own terms.


Do demons control your life if you deal with them ?

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No. Unless you let them.

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Mind explaining that a bit deeper?

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So, as you already know, there are different Currents of power, energies. We can pull small streams of it to us for different workings.

My UPG is that the ‘large rivers’ of the current intersect. This is why imagea of trees of life and death are prevalent in spirituality.

The void to the polarity, and so on and so forth. Splitting from One, to Two, and so on exponentially. The further down we go, the more likely these currents intersect. These intersections are where consciousness arises. Further down from that, more and more streams intersect at different junctions.

As a microcosm of macrocosm, a lot of these ‘building blocks’ for conscious are reflected in our personality. In our conscious, they are referred to as Archetypes (see Jung’s work for more). These are abstract concepts to us, but actuality outside of this plane.

Do you think there would be a difference in an archetype holding sway/control of an individual, versus an individual consciousness controlling another’s actions? For the controller and the ‘controllee’?

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That is a fantastic point. Would you think it is accurate to say we have the need to strive for what is immaterial, and these different behaviors arise as result of that need?

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I want to say yes but I haven’t experienced anything pointing in either direction. Now i have something to look at in my Mysticism studies


Absolutely. It’s tough not to see it that way. The material is so empty, chaotic and meaningless.
It’s almost as if that need is hardwired to curtail the absurdity of this experience.