Are stairs in the woods leading to other dimmentions?

I found out about mysterious staircases attached to no building in middle of the woods around the world. There are a couple of YouTube videos about them. I was wondering, if they are a portal to another dimmention?


There are stories going around about them but there is never any cited and credible sources. So i think this is just a modern urban legend that’s taken off.


It could just be an urban legend.

But since I live in an area with lots of forests, if I ever see one, I’ll try it out, just to see what happens.


It is not a urban legend, it is a STORY. It has never been intended to be anything but fiction.

The author was going to write a book, but sold the rights to some tv show. The adaptation is… underwhelming


Urban legends can just be stories.

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By definition urban legends do not have a known author.

The Search and Rescue Woods series, where this concept originated, was written by Kerry Hammond.


Ohhhh gotcha.


Most urban legends are usually based off a real story that’s dramatized heavily as it’s passed around.


I’ve seen those videos. While I don’t know the answer myself, even I think the staircases may lead to other dimensions.

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Interdimensional portals vibrate powerfully but mostly are situated in caves, natural round formations of stones or trees, very old trees…


I have see steps in very inclined hills, like its no eay u can get to 15 and drop, not like mexican piramide but like up way to way inclined. No fiction but fact in a forest, or semi park. Itz Hard Rock, and very crafty stairs going way up.

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Ah this thing, never really remembered much about this thing other than I was told that if you ever see the Stairway just don’t climb it, otherwise have nothing else to talk about this subject, now back to peruving the Forums for things to give 2 cents too.

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