Are Powerful Magicians Born or Self-Created?

I’m curious. What do you think? Are powerful magicians born or self-created? Or, are people born with a higher potential than others and if they study magick, rapidly become adept while others with a lower potential study and don’t get very far? Or, are all people born equal and their magickal abilities are simply a result of persistent studying?

Comments any one?

[quote=“Temporal_Anomaly_2013, post:1, topic:3002”]I’m curious. What do you think? Are powerful magicians born or self-created? Or, are people born with a higher potential than others and if they study magick, rapidly become adept while others with a lower potential study and don’t get very far? Or, are all people born equal and their magickal abilities are simply a result of persistent studying?

Comments any one?[/quote]

What do you think?

Gods are made, not born.

I think the soul - or focal point or whatever the fuck you want to call it - picks the combination of genetics and probable formative experiences most likely to create a magician, and then gets itself born into that cradle, which is why a lot of us had shitty childhoods or other shatteringly intense experiences and needs that drove us to try and take control of “reality.”

If my earlier life had been a peaceful bed of roses I’d probably be as lumpen and dull and disempowered as every other person I went to school with.

And if you wanted to make a black magician with the goals and aspirations I have, you could take my life recipe to date (inc. genetic heritage) and see that it’s almost ideal to create that particular outcome.

I had a pretty nice childhood myself.
I think it’s more that there are people born that are naturally better at it. Some people are even called by spirits and gravitate towards these particular entities.
Why would spirits go after these individuals if there wasn’t something about them? That’s my logic anyhow. But people much more experienced than me have never gotten straight answers when consulting spirits on that matter.
So yes, I think some people are naturals. Others work hard and can do it. The rest are wanna bes who can’t do shit even if they try.

I think it is like athletics. Some people are gifted with greater strength, or greater speed, or higher intelligence, but everybody is capable of learning the skills necessary to play, and someone who is not naturally gifted can become better than most through hard work.

What do I think you ask? For myself, I feel that powerful magicians are analogous to athletes like "DarkestKnight described. Some are born naturally gifted while there are others with a lot of motivation and practice, can achieve similar results. However, I also find that what Lady Eva alluded to having a difficult childhood can also shape one’s perception and abilities. My experiences tell me all this to be true. All the tarot card readers, spirit readers, and astrologers have told me that by birth I’m gifted with abilities but need to work on developing them.

Interestingly enough, a Wiccan witch told me that due to my severe childhood abuse, as a coping mechanism, I learned at an early age to escape my abusive environment by moving my consciousness outside of my body. Essentially, while my body was physically abused, I was numb to the pain because my consciousness was elsewhere. As a consequence of moving my consciousness outside of my physical body, I have a greater awareness of spirits and energies around me.


Tey are born,others can learn espend lifetime perfectionent the art,but a real powerful magician can feel,see,his talents,abilities,some find teir path,oters,not,ya knw the answer,