Are Gods Invincible, Or Can We Fight Them?

I’ve figured that when a god is slain, two things will happen.

If they were slain in their realm, they’ll just reform and come back.

If they were slain here on earth, they’ll simply reincarnate again and again till they find a method to return home.

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wouldn’t that happen to any spirit though?

Nobody Slaying a real god :skull::skull:

Sure I guess.

It’s not really important but it seems if one looses the fight with a deity will get him or her possesed. Best is to eat the deity first or at least try.

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No when an entity is killed they have the same option to reincarnate as we do. Many people here on earth are these very entities that either were killed or chose to reincarnate.

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Yeah I figured that

I feel like some terms need to be defined to discuss.

  1. What is a god?
  2. What constitutes fighting a god?

As all energy can be changed but never destroyed, it may be possible, on a cosmic level, to fight a god but what would that even look like? If a god represents death, can we permanently remove death energy from the universe? Can we even begin to impact it? Would creating a drug that allowed us to be alive for 1 thousand years be considered fighting a death god?

Last question…why would one want to fight a god?

A God by its definition and as in mythology Gods were a race of beings.

Many try and define a God simply by “power” alone which in that case would be a titled God such as someone choosing to worship a demon or Angel, they take on the title of being a God rather than the mythological born Gods such as Zeus, Aset, and so forth.

As for people who fight Gods often times a God will be just as abrasive as any other entity, not as likely but it happens.

Other times it’s an LHP claiming Yahweh is mad at them for leaving Christianity in which then claims of them beating or killing Yahweh pops up which a lot of those cases is either the real Canaanite Yahweh or the egregore Christian Yahweh. I personally lean to the latter since the Canaanite Yahweh I doubt will care if you leave a religion made by man to worship a false image of him.

Which as harith stated due to the malleable nature of the astral any claim of killing Yahweh or any God or entity should be questioned, beating them not impossible but still something to question yourself about. No one likes the idea that the astral is home to many thoughtform and egregoric versions of their favorite entities or not so favorite entities.

Fighting a God can be through projection or simply energy work or ritual work, I find if a God is gonna want to kick your ass why would they do so in a plane that is based around the manifestation of the imagination? Why not simply fuck up your physical life or your energy body itself.

That’s what I’d do, I wouldn’t attack an astral body.


Even in mythology the gods represent archtypes and metaphores for life lessons. They explained natural phenomena that the ancient people could not explain. The energy put into those gods/egragor’s is very real and entities were/are exist with those titles.

As you rightly pointed out, the astral realm holds the “forms” of all thoughts and possibilities of those thoughts. And would include the same for all entities in the Universe, not just human, thus why we can see very strange and alien objects in the astral that our minds can’t even comprehend.

Perhaps the only way truly kill or defeat a god would be to completely forget them. The egragor would eventually lose energy and lose cohesiveness. I think there was a Merlin movie that went into that concept as well.

The power or archtype that those gods, which really are focal points, would still exist regardless if the focal points become forgotten.

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In mythology the Gods were always born from an elder God and their existence represented chaos and order or various aspects of creation but they were their own individual race of beings.

Just as elementals represent forces of nature they were still considered a race, the argument that we created them or that they existed before us is a common one but one that can’t be proven nor disproven so it can be both. Why? Because there does exist egregore gods, but there also exists gods that aren’t egregores. So it’s both yet neither.

A titled God is simply an entity a person choose to worship that was not born a god, or in mythological sense a mortal who was deified by title alone. However, in Greek mythology the Goddess psyche was a mortal who was deified by a Born God Zeus not by mortals so she became an actual Goddess.

There’s also Arachne who is a titled Goddess by LHPers. In mythology she was a woman turned into a simple spider but in LHP she was deified as a titled Goddess, but with her there’s also a possibility of an egregore version existing separately from her.

Entities can represent archetypes and still be their own entity/race of beings. They’re not completely existing on their own just as humans can embody an archetype and still be part of the human race.


Right before I got completely possessed I channeled a bunch of “half-truths” from Astaroth. Here is a little snip-it of that document (that is mostly too personal to share, and gets into politics too.)

Aka, the Legend of Astoroth. I like it myself. They will have a big battle for you, about how you defeated yourself. Yeah, that’s what you are going to do, defeat yourself. That sounds really weird, because you are so used to having a self.

Gods can be created and so can they be destroyed but the information is always there and is as eternal as everything else. With the understanding of their patterns you can create a copy of a god or you can create new gods with those patterns of information you weave or empower yourself to be a god. It is simply a matter of complexity and what the mind has been conditioned and trained to handle.

Pretty much a thoughtform version of that God based off a surface level copy of the Deity but as they are individuals I doubt one could mimic the complexity of anyone’s energy let alone a Deity to create a thoughtform copy of it. Because in the end it will mimic your own personality or sub personalities.

their are several animist/shamanistic methods/beliefs that teach “wrestling” with the spirits as a means of gaining their powers.

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For some reason I am imagining Father Asmodeus and I engaging in literal mortal Kombat fighting scenarios. He would probs kick my ass if I were to try to beat him.

The thread name probably should be changed since it was never about if Gods can be fought or if they were invincible. The title is severely misleading lol.


Well it’s more of like they slapped Arachne onto her but she is no egregore just a separate being who assimilated the name most men gave her.She is of Lucifer’s race or samael.but beyond