Are demons still in the house?

Two days ago, on my bed, I summoned Lucifer from the book Lucifer and the Hidden Demons and summoned Marbas from the book Demons of Magic to try to save a sick cat that the medicine did not work on.

Yesterday, there was a box inside one of the drawers in the living room. My mother woke up to the sound of it crashing on the floor at 3 am. The crashing sound was intense.

Are those demons still there or is it the power of Lucifer or what? By the way, the cat died about 30 minutes after this summoning. She had cat plague and her condition was critical. During the summoning, I did not feel the presence of any spirit.


I mean, it’s hard to know. Spirits around is not uncommon.
Who knows what might’ve possibly felt attracted to the house?

Sometimes a coincidence is just that. We tend to overthink things too much too often.
Did you say your proper goodbyes?

If you feel anything else weird or weary in the house smudge the place. You probably have some herbs in your kitchen. Bay leaves, rosemary, sage, thyme, basil, cinnamon sticks…
Maybe do a banishing. The Sword Banishing is a pretty good banishing. It always quiet things in my house when things get noisy.


Was it actually on the floor or just the sound? Poltergeist activity can do both, and it takes a lot less energy to give clairvoyant impressions than actual sound or telekinesis. Something may be around, but I wouldn’t expect Lucifer or Marbas to waste energy on something like this, given you did not sense their presence anyway.

You didn’t say if you banished and cleansed before and after, but in any case my first line of investigation would be lesser entities and parasites attracted to the display of magickal working.

But did you give them license to depart and send them on their way?

My main feeling is, unless it happens again this is probably an unrelated event and nothing to worry about, but banish and cleanse for good measure in case your activities attracted anything unwanted on the astral.


One most removed as off topic.

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Yes, we found the plastic box crushed on the ground.
I permitted them to leave, I banished it before and after the summons.
I hope it was just an accident and that it will not happen again

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