Are Ancient Demons and Ancient Angels were Ancient Humans living on Earth?

Some believe that I am not sure it seems plausible since humanity can’t claim otherwise prior to the start of our own recorded history.

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You on point, man!

Even in the soak away I saw some entities living there. In an abandoned tank in our compound, one time I entered while APing…I met some Spirits there. I greeted them and leave. In the gutter. Sewer. Swampy areas, amidst that dirty water exist some entities.

Like I have said before, some are wanderer. For when the tank would be used again, they will all leave, goto another place.

But they don’t live like we humans are living. And they don’t wanna be human for a second. I just asked some in our soak away right now: Who wanna come to Earth as human here, be born of woman? You?

All: (looking at me) Nooo


Though if it’s through APing it’s not the physical aspect of the place but the astral side that it aligns to yes? As physical oobe would be the energetic layer of here rather than the layer of here on another plane as a whole?

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Referring to me?

I’m not talking about full out of body AP, but partial. Like, I can be seated, conscious and still visit other places, anywhere. Even talk to the spirit of the person sitting next to me, without them knowing.

It’s the full physical aspect. I don’t know if U understand.

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No I understand no worries lol was making sure