Are Ancient Demons and Ancient Angels were Ancient Humans living on Earth?

I thinks all the demons,Gods and Angels were humans in ancient times,now due to their ascendance they have become immortal.That is why they can easily communicate with humans and have relationship with humans…


That’s a theory brought up quite a few times but a theory I highly doubt, they can easily communicate with humans and such because humans put the work in trying to contact them, something doesn’t need to be human to have contact with it, that theory also tries to destroy the fact that other races are just humans who “ascend” which is more arrogant to that theory in my honest opinion. The only Gods that are born from humans are thoughtforms who become Godforms. Gods of mythology in my opinion predate us, angels and demons of mythology predate us. They can exist without us as they have been long before us.


They are Christian Saints who have become God after death like St Thomas,St Anthony of Padua,St Xavier e.t.c.They answer people prayers…

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Those people were said to have become angels, and/or guardians of the seven rays of Judeo God. However, that does not mean Gods come from them. In mythology Zeus made psyche into a Goddess. Gods, demons, and angels, predate humans but that does not stop their creators or the Gods themselves from adopting a human into their pantheon or family. Gods, demons, and angels regardless exist independent from humans, it’s just a handful of humans overestimate their important to those races.


Do you know their secret of immortality???Who created Humans and this physical world???

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Maybe some, yes. Unpopular opinion here, but i believe some of them including a lot of gods “Egyptian ones” were extraterrestrials and some i believe are thought forms.


I can’t tell you who or how humanity was created here, but then again I am a believer in evolution and creationism. However, I don’t believe any of the Gods of mythology had a hand here. As for their immortality I view it as a racial trait that many nonhumans have.

I’ve heard that theory as well, it does tend to be an unpopular one, one I have to admit I disagree with mainly due to new age and the fact stichin translated the Sumerian tablets horribly wrong. However, I do believe ETs have had a place on this planet just not to that extent.


I visit a site called “channeling Erik” and there YT channel and a medium channeled him and asked him about the pyramids in Egypt and if ET’s helped create them and he said they did by teaching the Egyptians how to make the tools to create the pyramids themself, and the ETs wanted some of our gold and other things in return. Which makes me wonder who these beings are that people, like on these forums, channel that appear like the Egyptian gods when they were ETs, i am guessing thought forms.
Anyways, i take everything on the Internet with a grain of salt.


I believe in the actual Gods as a race of well Gods, while I believe ETs to be a group of races on their own. I do believe people can channel Gods and ETs, personally I believe majority contact thoughtforms myself, but that a few actually do manage to reach Gods and ETs. However, given a lot of Egypt new age stuff is all love and light and human ascension it seems likely that it’s a thoughtform brought on by pretold information and desire, same with people who believe their Gods and such fit the molds of mythology.

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I fall into the “everything is an egregore with no one true originator” thing.

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What is thought forms??is thought forms is same as akashic records???in Akashic records all the information about the universe is stored…

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I don’t believe in akashic records as a separate thing, I believe everyone has their own personal akashic records stored within their souls, not a place on it’s own or a place where everyone’s stuff is stored simultaneously.

Thoughtforms are basically tulpas, imaginary beings people create and give power to that exist within their minds, overtime that power given to them allows them to enter the in my opinion; the realm of thought which is the astral as I see it. A realm where the density is so loose the imagination, fears, desires, and so forth can manifest on a whim. So that which people experience and call Gods or ETs there are but thoughtforms created by the collective unconscious of every being (humans included) in existence. To me Gods live in the etheric plane or for the norse the 9 worlds of their own, while ETs in my opinion are from galaxies and starsystems on this plane.

It’s really a matter of who you talk to and their experiences.


Abel_Arias, in my opinion were humans and animals not created, they were formed by nature

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These ideas of bringing out gods alongside Demons and angels doesn’t really make sense to me. I’ve seen it here and there. Who are the gods? Are they not part of the hosts? Are not not some Demons worshipped as the true God, who created everything? So because they were reverred as god then they are no more Demons?

This is where I think the confusion came in for people, there believe is that just two classes of Spirits exists, viz Demons and Angels. But Demons and Angels are still once class. There are many classes of Spirits, we’ve Djinns, Olympus, Gnomes, This Elite Beings I met in the Sun (can’t remember clearly), many to mention. Many of them have been reverred by gods in ancient times.
So if they are accepted and worshipped doesn’t change whom they are. They are all still celestial hosts, be it living or fallen; terrestrial Spirits, or whatever.

All? No! Not all. They were of natural seed, angelic seed. Not all of them have been clothed in flesh? Do you even know that there are some Angels whose name are not recorded in books? Some who have never descend to Earth but from whence they are they watch?
This kinds of Angels are used to frustrate other Spirits, be it Demon or other class. They will suffer them greatly, subdue them.

I’ve met Elijah, now Sandalphon. But Michael never were in Flesh. Zacharijah was never in Flesh. And many more.


Thanks for clarifying,I never heard Olympus and Gnomes???what are they???


That means humans are not first beings to come on earth.




The Earth was a virgin before human inhabit it. There have been Spirits lurking around it though but didn’t live well much in it like we’re doing.

These Spirits have their respective places, which justice gave them. But some are wanderer. Some are troublemaker.

Also do you know that after the great war of heaven, and after human has been existing, some fallen angels still go to deceive others to come down, and make them lost their place in the high realms? Spirit confirmed!


I know that in Indonesia where I live, millions of entities are searching for a place to stay. When I got into the house I’m living in today I noticed a few in two of my bedrooms, but many more were found in my garage, because of the darkness in there.
Empty houses or factories are immediately loaded with entities, and therefore it can even be dangerous to go into an so called empty house, were you don’t know the history from.


It is possible that the earth was inhabited by intelligent beings. Doesn’t mean they were human tho.

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