Archangel Raphael + tea + medicine = nuclear bomb for your nose

I have just discovered a simple yet effective method for eliminating really bad nose congestion.

Materials needed:
Whatever you typically use to summon Archangel Raphael
Any tea that that’s known to help with nose congestion (ex. Chamomile)
Cold medicine of your choice

“But Prophet!” You say. “Why can’t I just do one or the other?!” You say.

Well why do one when you can do both? And the combined strength of both the mundane and the occult can be especially potent. And though Raphael loves helping people, he appreciates it when people try to take care of themselves (that and he’s not your slave).

“But Prophet! You say again. “I don’t like tea!” You say. Well, I say stop being a baby and drink your goddamn tea.


  1. Summon Archangel Raphael and ask for his assistance.
  2. Once he accepts, be amazed when your nose starts draining.
  3. Take the cold medicine as instructed on the packaging.
  4. Make the tea.
  5. Drink the tea.
  6. Burn your tongue while drinking the tea (this step is optional).
  7. Use tissues as needed
  8. Wait with patience for the mucus to be completely purged.
  9. Repeat step 8 until completion.
  10. Thank Raphael. (Offerings are optional with him)

Step 11: ask Raphael for a tongue transplant :smiley:
Loved it!


Lmao great post thank you! I just woke up feeling like I have the flu today. Although I didn’t really ask for it I felt like I got some energy healing this morning. Have to go out and get some oj and other physical supplies to take care of myself (like tea!)

This is very true! I once read a story (not here somewhere else) that a magician evoked him for a head cold and Raphael got pretty pissed off and told him he was wasting his time and to stop eating so much junk food. The magician insisted he ate healthy and Raphael said “No you eat like crap”

The magician dismissed him which pissed him off even more and told him he did it incorrectly and was treating him “like a low level demon” and that he was leaving himself don’t even bother

I thought it was the most hilarious story ever because it does sound like him when he gets pissed A big pet peeve of his is getting confused for or treated like a demon (I also made this mistake one time and it did not end well…lesson learned!)

Not saying demons are your slaves either. Just saying it’s a geniune pet peeve of his

For the most part he’s really patient but this wasn’t the first or last occurrence I’ve read of something like this happening. We all have those days where our patience just runs out.

So yes I completely agree always back up magical intent with physical action! Medicine was invented for a reason