Appeasing a hostile Spirit

Dear Balg,

I encountered an ancient Spirit,
which seems to be “Power Cognition”.

The Sanskrit Name:



That Being seems to be very hostile towards me,
and has already inflicted severe damage to my life.

I just started a rite,
to appease it,

so I can find a civil solution for what is going on.

It’s Sigil:


  • Thank you, my friend,
    for channeling it for me.

It said it seeks revenge against me,
and I’m currently looking,
to find out more precisely,
how I can make up,
for whatever I might have done wrong.

it seemed to clearly see me as an Enemy.

Suggestions Welcomed.

@333 I’ve read you had similar expieriences?



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A glass bottle, a cork, and that seal on a piece of parchment. 3 beeswax candles. Put the seal inside the bottle, after lighting all three candles.

Call the spirit to come to you and to follow the lights. After a few minutes that you feel the spirit coming closer, blow out one of the candles , the farthest one from you.

Continue to call the spirit forth, until tell it that it must follow the lights, and then blow out the other candle farthest away from you. At this point, you only have one candle left.

Pick up the jar with the sigil inside, and hold it over the candle, and this time, till the spirit to go to its own sigil. Once you feel that this has been done, either by coercion, or simply using your power inside of the circle, put the cork in the bottle, and allow the candle to drip over it, until the bottle is fully sealed.

Spirit in a bottle, have fun.

Of course, if you are trying to befriend this Spirit, or make amends for some wrong that youth feel you may have done, this may not be the best option.

If you are trying to make amends , I suggest a seat at your table, peppermint oil, and a letter stating that you’re willing and able to make amends on the terms that that Spirit stops interfering in your life.


Thank you,
that’s indeed a very good explenation.

Currently out of Cash for buying goods,
and out of Bee wax,
but i do have white candles,
and bee pollen.

I’ll adjust.



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Don’t forget the update that I just posted if you are trying to Simply make amends.


So it’s a spirit and not a member here at all?


It seems to be a serviator.

I found that out later.

The Term kind of let me assume it’s not simply a random magician at the beginning.

It attacked with at least 4-5 flying spirits following it,
and simply the degree of power,
let not much room for it being some weakling or newbie.

But the more i reseurch it,
the more clear it gets.

I’m glad,
it’s not direct confrontation with someone out of our ranks,
i’d hate to fight against my own brothers and sisters,
i always tried to seddle things peacefully,
and especially when i look how severly it already affected my life…

So, nope,
as far as i can see,
it isn’t a Member.

Glad i took the time,
to actually reseurch it further,
and didn’t just go,
with the suggestions i had recieved.

I could have caused unneccessary havoc,
and i’m super happy i could avoid that!




Eyy ¥’Berioth!!

Long story short, do what the other mates said, but keep one thing in mind: IT IS A TEST.

Sometimes I’ve found out that entities don’t really want to hurt you, or are actually out for your blood, but they’re trying to push you into action and affirm yourself, to stand your ground, because to dare strike back rather than appease? Kinda reinforces your whole capacity for magick.

A Goetic spirit did this to me, to a crazy extent, so when I decided to summon him and stab at his direction as “punishment”? He stopped being like this. Not because I managed to hurt Him, but because I gained his respect to stand up for myself.

Do that.

And if it doesn’t work, there is no problem with calling Michael, and if you’re not keen on angels? Malphas can rise a barrier to protect you provided you follow two simple rules:

  1. You ORDER him to rise the barriers.

  2. You banish him WITHOUT THANKING HIM. NEVER EVER THANK MALPHAS (as of yet) because he takes this as his sacred duty, so when you try to thank him and give him offerings, it is an insult to him. Feels like you’re trying to buy into his good graces, make him feel wierd.

Good luck!


Thank you very much, 333.

I kind of had expected very good advice would come forth from you,
and i’m really glad to see,
that i was right.

i can’t simply see it as “just a test”,
because the threads on me,
are quite to real,
for that manner.

I’ve been attacked,
in ways,
that shouldn’t even be possible.

But, yeah,
i’ll definately work with it.

Just to give you guys an update:

I’ve had a very in private conversation,
with a previous partner,
which seemed to have abducted a child,
and accused me to have caused all of that to happen.

i reseurched further,
on the suggestion i had huge doubt towards:

Gabriel had told me about Sandalphon being one of my eminations,
and i did work with Sandalphon for a long time,
but never assumed it to be me.

looking into Sandalphon,
i noticed that Sandalphon was considered,
to be a protector,
of unborn life.

The opponent,
being a Lillith devotee,
and highly believing into Lillith to always guide her in her best interest,
had confidently chosen the “pill after”,
over taking the regular pill,
and i felt worried about that back then already.

She’s been at hospital at some point,
and outright refused to tell me what exactly had happened,
but kept demanding my understanding,
and care,
for it,
without filling me in on the details.

In that telepathic deep conversation,
i tried to seddle things,
and talk out,
that i never intended for a child to be killed,
especially not in my name.

Don’t know how much of it got solved by that.

But there’s definately been a shift,
and things seem to change for the better.

kind of unsure how to handle this stuff further.

But yeah,
that’s been some nasty stuff.

Should i keep that stuff more private?


But if i don’t speak up about it,
who does?

If i don’t share those expieriences,
and show,
that there is a different way,
for solving those things,
who will?

I definately get one thing:

The speciallity of Lillith being to get rid of unwanted children,
and the speciallity of Sandalphon being to protect unborn life,
definately conflicted there,
and led to some crashing of powers.

So far,
that’s all i’m able and ready to share,
ragarding that case.

But yeah,
i hope this solved it.

i look forward to gain confidence,
in having solved it completely,
as soon as possible.

Since this currently,
really brings me at the brindge of my own safty,
freedom, etc.

