Anyone want a card read 3 cards ? just ask away first five

Hi! If you’re still doing readings I’d like one! I pick number 3!

Thank you!

Ok that’s it … I will do all who have asked im just waiting on Auralyn to reply. So alex Susanne and Blood for poppies - your readings are coming.


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Please do ask me, send me a pm (I can’t do it yet)

sent Auralyn

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Thank you for your generosity!

5 it’s okay

there is an extremely powerful female presence around you and I mean powerful. You are on the threshold of a massive change from a type of external perspective to a journey within to the inner realms and there will be no going back for you. It is truly an end of one phase of your life and onto another from a life say of work to one of a spiritual nature seemingly of a feminine standpoint, certainly I cant stress how the feminine current is currently pervading your whole reality AND possibly future. This could be the end of someone - something alongside a directional change to the inner realms.


Oh my god, i’m obsessed with a girl, she is my friend, but i love her, she is the girl of my dreams, but she says i’m too young for her, thank you for that, could you explain me more? Please

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You need to withdraw from something - take time out - reflect and wait. Lest you heed this you will become the scapegoat. Your blood ancestor card shows that your reflection is about you your past and your future and where you fit into all this. Watch your dreams and indeed approach your ancestral spirits for guidance.


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Hmm this indeed could be it - but you cannot pursue her she will destroy you, you must let her go and move on. You need to work on your inner being - mind body and spirit. Trust me when I tell you do not pursue her…!


Thanks a lot my friend, u are a good person, but can i know the reason why i have to let her go? Only that and thank you, i think all would be worth it for her

You have a parasite that is holding you back from doing great things and personal growth. The parasite is feeding of your energy and your actions are according to keep its ability to sustain its feeding. Your being made to do things you wouldn’t normally do and it really is affecting your growth. they feed on hate - fear - sexual arousal and create illusions and falsehood. Ask yourself are you overly hateful sexually aroused etc etc and try to determine what type of parasite it is, then act accordingly and get rid of it, the result of this will be astonishing to you and your life will literally take off.


Wow, really??? No major hate or fear that I feel honestly… sexual arousal, just the normal I guess. Unexpected!

Thank you!

Sit down - get a candle - a piece of paper and pen and a mirror - light the candle - take a few deep breaths relax - empty your mind and whilst staring in the mirror and after your relaxed ask yourself this question.

Am I ok in my life. Write everything that pops into your head how you feel and what you see. Reflect on your answers. essentially something is draining you.


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@bingohandjob can I have 1 to about my magical development? Or is it too late?

Ok number between 1 and 5 Excalibur.


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I’ve already become the scapegoat.

And my blood ancestor are a bunch of a kind a sect people, contacting theirs souls is just weird.

I’m trying to make a conection with my soul ancentors, that count?

Yes the blood ancestor is spiritual - it is the sleeping soul that lies in the land watching and guiding its ancestors, it talks in your dreams and your imagination. Keep a dream journal. say before you go to sleep blood ancestor sleeper in the land guide me in my dreams.


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@bingohandjob 5

Oh, okay, then I’m on the right track
Thanks for your time and attention :black_heart: