Anyone know a good sleep spell? My boyfriend's son has insomnia

He can’t sleep and he comes in at night wakes us up :cold_sweat:
Anyone know how to put us out of our misery?


As insomnia is a disorder technically, wouldn’t it make sense to evoke a healing spirit such as President Marbas or Archangel Raphael?


thanks. I’ll try them

Teach the child to lay down in bed, relax, and visualize a soothing, violet mist. Then tell the child to inhale the mist and as it enters his lungs, feel the mist relaxing him and making him sleepy. Continue until sleep overtakes him.

The only drawback to this spell is it tends to lead to a deep sleep and awakening in the morning can be a chore :slight_smile:

It’s adapted from Christopher Penczak’s book Instant Magick.


I can live with that Thanks

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You’re welcome :slight_smile:

Children love to play, and though the original spell calls for an Alpha state, I don’t think it is necessary for a child since their imaginations are strong.

I hope it helps :slight_smile:


I wouldn’t use a sleeping spell for a child. There is always a possibility of the spell to go wrong. No need to take that risk. Better find a different solution than casting a spell.

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I don’t know about you guys, but after evoking a spirit, or invoking a spirit, I crash out pretty hard core. Maybe you should have him invoke something, that should knock him out!

All joking aside, give him more activities during the day, let him run around and be crazy for a little bit, throw him outside in the backyard and let him be a kid for a bit, see if that helps knock him out at night. Consider cutting down on the sweets and sugars after 8.

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Ive never used a spell on my kids so can’t offer advice there but you can try sleep talk if he is anxious. Its hypnosis but instead of lulling into a trance you wait until he is asleep they whisper things like ‘you fall asleep easily’ or ‘You enjoy sleeping in your own bed all through the night’…works on adults too :wink:


Contact hypnos, Greek god of sleep.


Actually ironically sugar does make you sleepy, it messes with the oxytocins in your brain. Not gonna give him sugar though.

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I had sleeping issues for quite sometime, about 2 years.
Above simple spell did the trick. You could change the Hindu mantras and Gods to your Gods, faith/goetic enns, etc.

Hope it helps.

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Take his phone or tablet or pc😏

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Thx dude I’ll try it.

So beautiful! Id like to add thst Astaroth will also help anyone fall asleep,