Anyone experience with the Book Practical Jinn Magick?

IDK, and I am not a demon of course, but if I were hired for a job and I showed up and found out that 4-5 other demons were hired for the same job- I’d either

a) get pissed, or
b) pack up and go home and think twice about accepting an offer from that person again.

So, no I don’t think they act like immature kids and get offended, but…

Also, calling on multiple spirits in a short amount of time for the same thing is evidence of 1 of 2 things:

a. I’m not being heard/ listened to, OR
b. I’m lusting for results. (I want what I want when I want it.)

Both of which will kill/ prevent/ frustrate magic.

And both require some work on self to overcome-
-Also, people do put up protection when they feel they’re being manipulated too much and too often - even if they have no experience with magic.

At some point, at least for me, I feel like I gotta come to grips w/ what Damon Brand says: if you prepare to wait a year, it’ll probably happen much quicker.

None of this applies to an intelligent and strategically layered spell, of course. But even then, letting go is inevitable if you want to see results.


I disagree but I don’t summon demons and other beings for the same exact task, I summon them for different aspects of the task, whatever aspect they are able to handle best- if I summon them at all.

I tend to prefer to use my own energy and direct it at my goals rather than use entities, but demons and djinn are great for manifesting physical needs quickly. :woman_shrugging:


Agreed and well struck!


@anon25000386 for your studies…

how can i make it my own any books to reffer

What about candles? What happens if you don’t use them or use another color instead of black?

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I really don’t think it matters. I’ve used tea lights before when that was all I had, but I wanted to try to do the ritual the way it was written, and still garnered results.

As far as using candles or not- I’ve used them probably 25% of the time when doing djinn rituals. I can’t visualize a black candle, but I can imagine the texture of the wax, the sound etc- so most of the time I use imaginary tools that I can’t even see in my imagination- and I get results probably 80% of the time with djinn, at least.

Sorry guys, I’m on a bit of a hiatus.


Thanks :slight_smile:
Well, then I just want to ask how long it takes to see the results?

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Varies as with all things. However I find if it’s complicated enough that you’d expect it to take months, the djinn are probably not the best solution. They tend to work fast- I think my longest result took about five weeks, but it was or was one of the first times I’d done any intentional magic and any the first times with djinn.

Most things with djinn I see results or movement on within two weeks. Not all, but most- but I’d keep in mind I’m only throwing the easy shit I can make sound flamboyant and difficult to the djinn.


Oh, I appreciated your reply, Keteriya.
If you don’t mind can you send me DM (I need to ask a question) - I know my question might be helpful to other members, but it is pretty personal, and my intuition says I can trust you.

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Yepper, I just might not log back in till tomorrow morning or something to see it lol. I failed to sleep this weekend so I’m headed for a nap for my first day of the work week lol.


I recently did the “Untamed Riches” ritual, and over the next week lost 80 dollars in a banking error. I rehearsed the ritual twice before performing it for real; do you think this might have pissed them off?

I also offered my deepest thanks as an offering, so I don’t know if that might have effected it negatively.

Coming up on two weeks and I haven’t seen anything, do you had any thoughts on what I should do next?

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Probably not, once I’d write off as coincidence, you practiced the rituals and you have no other reason it should have backfired imop.

I usually take a moment of gratitude and give it regardless of what I am doing so I don’t think there’s anyway being grateful for the work about to be done is a problem.

The only reason, and it’s one of those you just can’t know things, (not easily) is maybe there was no way for money to come to you easily.

I find the djinn tend to take the path of least resistance, so I would think more on your wording of what you asked, maybe there’s one word that threw it all off, consider maybe it will take a little longer, maybe you were too limiting in your expectations etc.

Intent tends to matter more than words when you are moving the energy yourself and with some spirits, but eh. With the djinn I have had a couple well, I should have said that different!

I would personal just do a few more rituals to make sure I’m too busy in my mind for me to be in the way of the magic and probably repeat it next week or try increase in abundance too.

Hargrove points out that most of these rituals like increase in abundance could be used to increase customers or how much of an item you have or emotions etc but I’ve found increase in abundance does help with finances when directed that way as well.

I usually use the two together or back to back when I’m doing fast cash scenarios.

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Cool. Based on your answer I’ll wait a couple weeks and combine it with the Increase Abundance ritual.

I’m also not the best with money so this could have been their way of telling me to curb my spending, but its hard to say.

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After doing 50 rituals in this book, yes 50! I have not seen one manifest at all. From trying all different ways of doing it, never lusting for the result. Trying on easier things that are far easier to shift to no avail at all. I found I think one 5 note in a drain and thats it mainly. Tried mixing Baal Kadmons method with protection of this book and nothing again.

Interesting. Maybe the Jinn just don’t work for some of us.

Is there a particular form of magick you excell in?

I have received a book from Churaki Ashan called The Rituals of the Djinns. Short book of 43 pages. This system use interesting sigils mixing arabic and hebrew in the style of Nineveh Shadrach. This is to work with the 7 planetary djinns. The only basic tool is a colored candle link to the choosen djinn of the day and then the rituals in which you gaze into the flame then into the sigil chanting words of power and contemplate the problem at later stage of the ritual you have to ask to receive a servant explaining what is your resquest and at this time you will feel or not a name and it will be the name of the jinn who will work on the request. I’m doing some experiment for now djinn are new to me as I work more with khodam beings from different realm but the rituals are much more difficult to do as you have to fast and chant for hours. The author has wrote short books about watcher ( pathworking), demon and olympic spirit ( using anointed candle).

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Just checked it out on amazon, looks pretty cool.

Maybe you could share an outline of your favorite ritual from the book.

while we’re on the subject of this book, I have a question. Some rituals are described in a way suggesting they are oriented towards own benefit, others (mostly the baneful ones) are aimed at other parties.
So are the ones described as self aimed efficacious when aimed at someone else? I assume they would be, but would like to hear from someone with experience or knowledge of doing it this way.
I’m wanting to do the untamed riches ritual for a friend (who will of course be unaware of it)

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One of my favorite one is Maymun - Saturn one as it helps me to remove obstacle and struggle that I have at this time. It has a kind of super road opener power who can influence many area or only one depending on your wish during the ritual.

I always use special oil for these rituals, these oils have been empowered and can be seen as planetary fluidic condensator. Then I anoint my candle, stones etc.

And I will check also the one from Corwin Hargrove as I’m very interested by djinn beings and I had good result with universal magick as a boost for other system ( this concept is explained at the end of the book) also to neutralize some very bad neighbors. I have seen a book from Edgar Kerval shop called “summoning the 7 Djinn Kings” anyone has read it