Any tips on getting into theta gamma sync?

Hey everyone hope all is well. I was looking for some tips on getting into the theta gamma sync. No matter how hard I try to clear my mind and pay attention to my breath just cant achieve it.


Have you tried to use the search option top right? (Magnifying glass)

lolol duh moment

Thank you

Void gaze. Sit in complete darkness. Maybe look toward a hallway or closet door.
Keep your eyes open (blinking is fine) and let your mind wander. Try to scare yourself. Imagine the most hideous thing you can and try to convince your senses that it’s coming toward you.

Meditate and daydream, contemplate the most mysterious thing you know about. Try as hard as you can to make some art, regardless of if it’s interesting to other people. Teach your mind to turn down the volume on the tactical hallucination that your body feeds it. The body is very greedy and bossy toward the mind for good reason.

Keep that in mind if you find yourself on the other side of things. “Grounding out” is when a magician puts effort into centering their experience back on the physical world. Cook food, work out, do something totally mundane.

You’re going the other way. Read books, think about deep esoteric stuff, follow odd intuitions and draw meaning from coincidence. Generally keep working your mental muscles until they can overpower body.


Black room
Blindfold (occasionally)
Scary whispers on repeat at low volume.


Works for me.


Sleep deprivation. Aim for 4 days. The trance state will start around the third day and will completely take over by the fourth. Once it has, anchor it to a gesture and you will have a trigger to bring it upon yourself whenever you need it.


So around the fourth day that’s where things get real, I twas around day three and spirits were already manifesting as physical shadows around me, we must have negative spirits on our end over here, whenever I get the time to get back into my theta/gamma state do you think I’d be able to summon a lost incubus friend of mine and physically touch it, I’d probably be the only one touching the spirit because I’m the only one in the trance and my brother would probably be looking at me and would say Nicholas, why are you touching the air in front of you, so can physical contact with spirits be possible while in a powerful theta/gamma state trance, and please no negative comment darkestknight, Multiverse Blessings.

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Question: What do you mean by anchor?


To anchor something is to associate one thing with another

For example, if every time you smell freshly baked cookies, you are reminded of your grandmother, it’s because the memory is anchored to that specific smell, and becomes a trigger for it.

So if you are in a trance state, and you tell yourself that every time you cross your index fingers you will return to the altered state, your mind will then anchor the state to the gesture, so that when you cross your fingers, you will slip back into trance.

Generally, the anchor is strengthened through repetition, meaning the more you use it, the stronger the association becomes.


Awesome answer :slight_smile:

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I think as I continue exercises on candle and will, I will anchor a hand gesture to a particular force applied psychically to the object (candle).