Any Hindus/Indians into Goetia?

Nothing Wrong Happend to me i started working with goetia 5 months ago infact life is getting better day by day

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Are you working with Demons of Magick?

Yes lawd. Iā€™ve seen it myself.

yeah I do. Hinduism is an comprised of many gods, one of which is shiva. Shiva is the only hindu gods, from which even demons can receive boons from and is the only one that eats meat

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Hi Indian hereā€¦i have recently started working with goetiaā€¦ would be nice if some of you could personally connect and discuss where goetia fit in a world filled with devtas and asuras

Yes. Iā€™m an Indian Hindu who practices Goetic Magick. Although, my family is Hindu, Iā€™m not. I donā€™t identify myself as one. I donā€™t worship any Hindu deities except Shiva. Even with Shiva it isnā€™t worship. Itā€™s like a whole different feeling altogether. Iā€™ve worked with Goetic spirits and got some really good results.

Any dark Magick when done without care can spill into your life. I did some pretty dark Magick without any backlash. Infact, it smoothened my life more. If you are inexperienced and do Magick in a haphazard way, things tend to spill into your regular life.

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Iā€™ve been curious, what are Hindusā€™ perspectives on Curses? Are they seen negatively or is there less negativity attached to it?

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Thereā€™s a lot of negetivity attached to curses. That I can say. Hindu household practices involve burning camphor every Full moon, and taking the evil eye off with eggs, camphor, chilli and other ingredients. Itā€™s a witchy way of getting rid of all negetive energies.


Ahh yes still not too long ago western society used to have a similar concern about curses, with rituals practiced quite regularly. Of course, more so in some areas than others. But how is cursing another seen? With the Christian mindset itā€™s seen as a one way ticket to eternal damnation.

Itā€™s a tad bit complicated than Christianity. Basically, Hinduism is divided into 3 parts.

Mantra - The Divine word. Magick with using divine God names. Invoking godā€™s. Usually used as a standalone practice for protection, luck, fortune etc

Yantra - Sigil Magick. There are sigils for each deity, which are used to invoke the deities for various purposes. This is often used in combination with Mantra.

Tantra - Dark Magick. Weā€™ll tantra isnā€™t essentially dark Magick but itā€™s a whole wide spectrum. It covers everything from curses to necromancy. Tantra is the combination of Mantra and Yantra with its own standalone system.

Coming to cursing, it isnā€™t seen as an evil thing in Hinduism. Infact many godā€™s have been cursed according to the mythology by many Rishis (Practitioners of all kinds of Magick and yogic rituals). And when the anger subsided, the Rishis themselves used to give the solution to break the curse. Cursing has been a long part and parcel of Hindu mythology. Right from ordinary commoners to ultimate Trinity like Bramha, Vishnu and Shiva got cursed


That is very interesting. Thanks, I actually like that a lot. Always been very interested in Hinduism.

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Thatā€™s not the full picture. Law of karma is an integral part of Hinduism. The rishis changed the curses as theyā€™d have to suffer for the curses too. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. You may not have experienced backlash right now, but it will come, probably in a future life.

My perspective

The most powerful Rishis were feared, because the slightest displeasure could lead them to curse someone. Sometimes these curses were multigenerational or followed the cursed person over several lifetimes. I remember a story about an ancient Rishi who was feared far and wide, because he cursed his hosts at the slightest perceived slight when he was received as a guest. It was well known that a self-realised person has the power to curse anyone, even a god.


I have had the privilegesā€™ in living in India, having travelled there 17 times working with children and rural communities. In that time I lived with Brahmins, participating in Hindu life.
I am fully aware of Indiaā€™s social problems, having experienced some first hand because my business partner was in forensics.
However, only 2% of tantric practice is sexual. (A point often lost in forums). I think it unfair to stereotype an extremely diverse culture. Tantra and Hinduism have deep philosophic roots (even if at times they may differ with Western occult). There is also a strong tantric practice within Buddhism.
Satanic practitioners, like Rose Crowley, are developing Satanic Tantra. Rose Crowley wrote a chapter in the Satanic Compendium, for BALG.