Any great spells for getting rid of obsession / bad habit?

I found alot of cut and clear hoodoo spells, but would like to hear what worked for you.
Lets say you want to forget about the spells you did and simple meditating is not working at this time.

I did find this

One that would just release thoughts about a situation or a person.

TIA :slight_smile:


Calling on spirits is a great way to do this. I call on Maha Kali to help, but Belial, Abbadon, and basically any spirit of destruction is great for clearing any paths.


I figured. I’ve worked with St. Martha and Aphrodite and have had mediocre results. Tried to evoke Lucifer and King Paimon (on different times) but didn’t offer anything yet, since I usually have given offerings only after my petitions have been granted.

I would say my strengths are in hoodoo and candle magick at least at this moment. Would like to learn more though and feel like I’m at this point where I’m just learning everything, so feel that sometimes I might be over-experimenting lol


Then you might want to try calling on St. Sammael the Archangel or St. Michael Landy for help, there both great for helping and removing blocks in your path and curses as well. La Santa Muerte as well.


Thanks Florry : ]

Will probably do a cut and clear spell and a sigil to burn after it’s done to release the emotions and thoughts.