Any assistance please

Recently I’ve been working to reopen my chakras, and get back into doing energy work and the like. As of the past 2 weeks I’ve had great pain in my neck, lower back, left arm and shoulder. No amount of stretching or OTC medication is helping. I’ve tried meditating, nothing alleviates the constant pain. The help I request is for someone to scan me if they don’t mind, I need to know if there’s something attached to me, or just afflicting me. I’d like to go this route before a medical doctor because if this is the case (which
I believe it is ) I don’t want to waste the money. Thank you in advance.


The back and shoulder pains could be a blacklash from something that you have cast, perhaps a baneful casting that was not acceded to. This is a warning not to transgress. Try a divination and see what answers you get.

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Thank you for your reply, but I’ve not attempted anything baneful. I dont try to do anything negative to anyone. All ive done as of late is thanking Lilith for a lady she sent my way, and respectfully requested that her interests be swayed away from me because we’re not a good match (she’s married, wants to have extra marital relationship with me).

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do you have a Female figure in your life that you feel she is a burden?
health problems in the left side of the body are connected
to female figures in our life and the right side health problems means that males figure is being a problem in our life.
the lower back pain means you don’t get any help finanacialy and you feel that you need to solve money problems on your own and nobody is helping you.
the neck pain gives you a reminder that you see things in inflexible way…

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Right on the damn head. You must know me in regular life.

Or… maybe, just maybe, you are just meditating, sleeping or sitting for long periods of time in an uncomfortable position, due to a bad mattress or chair.

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That’s obviously an answer, I’m looking at all avenues before I go to the doctor. "Here just take this pill " meh.

Yes, a bad pillow or mattress can really affect the rest of your day. I’ve gone through frequent back pains and headaches that were effectively dealt with by replacing them. Quality pillows can be expensive, but they are a good investment.


Do you get a commission on all these pillows you’re selling? :grinning:

lol no i don’t know you but you’re body told me about you’re health problems
so i wanted to be sure.

i think it’s good to combine and tto be treated in all the ways that can help you get better and to recover from the health problems.
try to hear what the doctor (good doctor) has to say,keep doing the energy/chackra work
and i really want to recommend
you about this book by from louise hay:“you can heal you’re life”
i have him for about like 24 years and it’s amazing to all part of you’re life
that’s how i found out why you you have the pains in specific parts of your body.

it’s all start with the Thoughts It is known that the mind is connected to the body and what happens in the head is materialized as a disease or health of the body.

For example, the shoulders are like carrying something, so if you feel you are carrying a burden or someone is weighing on you, the anger will come to pass as pain in your shoulders

and i really recommending for you to work with marbas or bael they are healers and they are
amazing beings that will help you.:+1:

if you want to ask something else or private pm me bro!

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haha, I wish!

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