Antipsychotics antidepressants and magick

do antipsychotics and antidepressants damage magical abilities or do not have any effect as such?


Always heard it was very damaging.

Antipsychotics are reversibly damaging in a sense, yes. They shut down psychic faculties while they are being taken, actively suppressing them.

This could be very necessary for an individual whose tormented by psychism that they cannot control.

Being most/all of us live in the Western world were shamanism is taboo, discouraged, and downright illegal in many of our nations, there are no readily available shamans that could take a person of naturally open psychic faculties and teach them to control and use them for good, and basically train a natural shaman to become a professional one. Thus sometimes the only option is to prevent things that would be classified as schizophrenic from happening in the first place, or at least dull their effect.

As to if they are damaging to magickal ability: that depends on how you are operating magickally. If you are operating in a structure where clairvoyance and audience is absolutely necessary, its going to be a problem because while the spirits will still hear you, youre going to have switch from a completely observant, measurable kind of communication, to a strictly faith based one where communication can be more or less one way (you to them).

Theyll still hear you, and help you, just as they did before. But you wont be able to hear nor see them.

But alas, if your operating in a way where you are relying on personal psychism to affect change and not dealing with spirits, antipsychotics or anything else that tends to shut down ones higher senses is going to really put a crimp in those efforts.

Antidepressants are not nearly as bad as antipsychotics, but do have a similar effect.

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how do/ real schizophrenia of course who are in control of their disease do with magick

I can only speculate on that. But I assume very few schizophrenics living in the West with an almost totally absent shamanic tradition, do magick.

If you mean those who are in control of their disease via medication, I assume they do magick just like everyone else… Maybe they will have a very hard time with attuning the psychic senses, but then again thats not absolutely necessary for all kinds of magick, especially for evocation and requesting things from spirits. They will hear the magician even if the magician does not hear them, and they can also give physical signs to aid the magician as well, if they choose to.

I’m a schizophrenic woman and I do not take medication. I can not tell you if schizophrenia affects clairvoyance or not because I’m still only a beginner. The only problem my schizophrenia is causing with magick is mostly panic attacks and I really struggle to concentrate myself. But I believe my schizophrenia is caused by soul fragmentation or something like that and that it can be healed with shamanism.

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Those medications are about the most destructive substances when it comes to magickal practices. The purpose of those is to keep your brain patterns and chemistry in one state only and magick requires that you use multiple brain wave states to achieve your goals.


Hmmmm…lots of food for thought on this thread. I take an antidepressant. I may need to reevaluate…

Most of you guys are talking about antipsychotics. What about antidepressants? Do they harm magical abilities? Or can some be harmless to magick if you take regular anxiety meds?

Also any kind of psychiatry drugs…anti manic like lamictal anti anxiety like benzodiazepines and inotropic like paracetamol citicholine antidepressants like prozac…what r your experiences with them in the field of magick

What most need to understand is that these drugs are created to be the “soma” the fact that continued brainwashing all over the media has driven most people crazy our new stress filled way of life is destroying people’s minds and then they get out of hand so they dope them up to keep them docile. Don’t fall victim to their poisoning it’s a money making industry designed to do just that at the expense of the health and well being. I mean come on people most of these medications number one side effect is suicide! Hello!!!

The best two things I ever did for myself was to stop taking my antipsychotics/antidepressants and stop watching television.


Yeah it’s amazing how many people are cured from mental illnesses by stopping watching TV.

Yeah they do, they suppress the aural sight and hearing. A mad person is simply someone who has lost ccontrol over their astral abilities.
learn to control, not stop it.

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A word of WARNING!:

Quitting any psychotropics cold turkey will throw you for a loop. You will experience extreme episodes of mood swings, depression, violent tendencies, mental anguish ad nauseum. Weaning yourself off gradually would be much safer for yourself and everyone around you. Don’t do what I did. I quit all my meds at once and went through one of the most turbulent trials of my life which was only rivaled by addiction to meth. These drugs are nothing to be taken lightly. You won’t realise how much they affect you until you stop taking them. Quitting meth had less negative effect on my psyche than quitting the psychotropics. No joke. It was hell.


[quote=“DiscordianBliss, post:15, topic:8848”]A word of WARNING!:

Quitting any psychotropics cold turkey will throw you for a loop. You will experience extreme episodes of mood swings, depression, violent tendencies, mental anguish ad nauseum. Weaning yourself off gradually would be much safer for yourself and everyone around you. Don’t do what I did. I quit all my meds at once and went through one of the most turbulent trials of my life which was only rivaled by addiction to meth. These drugs are nothing to be taken lightly. You won’t realise how much they affect you until you stop taking them. Quitting meth had less negative effect on my psyche than quitting the psychotropics. No joke. It was hell.[/quote]

Definitly a worth Advice, I was on Heavy Medication two Years ago, not antipsychotic one but still Heavy Meditation that shouldnt be quitted cld turkey, And if it wasnt of Nergal, I would have fucked up myself heavily by quitting them cold turkey as i did, My Doctor dont Understand how i was able to do that without any side effect etc…

But definitly not a Things to do,

I know this is old but I thought I’d chime in. I’m schizo-effective which is basically schizophrenia + a mood disorder in my case depression. My symptoms are basically paranoia to the extreme combined with severe intrusive thoughts which is essentially thoughts I just can’t control that are usually upsetting. If I’m currently practicing I have to stay off of medication and cope with my symptoms by myself which is literally hell but its the price of magick. If I’m taking a break for whatever reason which is unlikely I’ll stay on medication. but it does take quite an amount of time to get your senses back to normal after being on medication. At least for me but I’m sure it effects everybody differently.

Simple answer? Yes.
Long answer? Not really.

The antipsychotics / antidepressants suppress you to a diff wave of consciousness. Think of it like smoking weed and then going to meditate, will it have the same results as sober? of course not.

They don’t keep you from accessing the theta wave and different brain waves but they do hinder your ability to keep a focused mind / trance state. Theyre called drugs for a reason.

I personally love using drugs in my practice, but I use them in moderation and only with specific things. I don’t really wanna go into detail on that though because I’m pretty sure it’s against forum rules.


Well said.

Welcome @Diamesos_Psychics. Please post an introduction in the NEW MAGICIAN AND INTRODUCTIONS area, and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick. It is a rule of this forum.