Anthology of sorcery 3

Question about Antholgy of sorcery series.
is it possiable to get a Spanish version of anthology of sorcery.I think It would be cool to have writers that are into spanish and latino,african paths of magick. why not have the guy who wrote the book Kindoki from Dark harvest occult publishers. the authors name is Afefe Ogo.

Also what about having some authors from the highest occult schools in anthology of sorcery.reading and hearing the same stuff is just boring.ive read Michael w Ford but all he mostly talks of is killing toads and masturbating in his books.just kind of a let down to hear about the same organizations like the Golden Dawn or Boring Satanic orders.Why not have some real occult grand masters that study metaphysichs and occult paths. real occult orders like the highest school of occult initiations like ( Sanyasi International Society for Krishna Consciousness) which is located in New York founded by A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami prabhupada. or other societies that are into deeper occultism

It would be so awesome to see more deeper occultism in the Anthology of Sorcery series. Occult Orders Like( Eastern Order of Sacred Mystery) or (Aetherius Society). or the( Aquarian Mystic Order).

[quote=“DARRIN, post:1, topic:5014”]Question about Antholgy of sorcery series.
is it possiable to get a Spanish version of anthology of sorcery.I think It would be cool to have writers that are into spanish and latino,african paths of magick. why not have the guy who wrote the book Kindoki from Dark harvest occult publishers. the authors name is Afefe Ogo.[/quote]

2 isn’t even out yet, there could be fresh ideas in there for all you know, there is a submission process though and I’m guessing those guys you’ve mentioned never submitted anything.

Well its pretty obvious that Anthology of sorcery 2 is finished up but hasnt been released yet.Im trying to make some clever suggestions for Timothy and Koetting to think your complaining about me suggesting good ideas are you a new have to yell and says things that stick out to get people to read it.

What’s wrong with killing toads, masturbating and worshiping Satan? Lol, I’m just fucking with ya.

It’s my understanding that Koetting is only looking for new material that pushes the envelope and hasn’t been rehashed over and over. With that being said The new Anthology should be right up your ally.

I don’t think this would be a bad idea for the third anthology, although I, as C.J. Lee, don’t think that the material that will be released in the 2nd volume will be rehashed or new age stuff.

I’m wondering why we haven’t heard much about AofS 3 yet? Its May already and release was scheduled for July timeframe.

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I bought the anthology of sorcery 3 and had great success with the Forneus forgiveness spell, i had gotten sick and missed almost a whole work week. Before the spell my coworkers were angry and frustrated and within a matter of hours after performing the ritual the attitude shifted to gratitude and sympathy welcoming my return with open arms. Special thanks to Forneus of course! So far every spell from that book that ive tried has been effective in my experience.


Cool. Unfortunately I couldn’t afford it when it came out.

If you still want a copy the E-book was about 27 Dollars on the kindle store.