Answers via die with almost all letters of the alphabet...Ancestors?

I am in need of some straight forward answers. I have tried simple divination techniques before and they have not worked. I acquired a die from the game scategories, that has almost every letter of the alphabet on it.

I do not have a pendelum or a cloth with the pendelum answer circle. I could draw whatever I need. Or trace it off computer and stick it to the table (I have special paper for that). WIll this scategories die work alone? If not, I have regular dice.

Are the ancestors good for this?

My questions include things like:

  • what magick should I focus on with the 24 hours I have before I am homeless?

  • Is there something I did , a mistake, or otherwise , in the spiritual realm , that is causing my entire family to turn on me so viciously?

  • If yes, is it a particular entity? Name?

  • WHat should I do to correct? Can you help me?

  • where should I put all my energy today?

  • Will I receive enough money to keep me from being on the streets?

I don’t have a lot of time to read entire books on divination. I just want to know if it is something I can just ask for out loud and roll the die anywhere multiple times for letter sequence (with ancestors) or will that likely fail?


Give me a minute with my cards.

Six of Cup says this could be a blessing in disguise.

Seven of Swords says homelessness may be unavoidable.

High Priestess says your special spirit will be found while homeless (it worked for me)

The Wheel says you should put all of your energy into this transition.

I was homeless for most of my adult life, ask me anything.


Me too. Even though a government program is helping me with an apartment right now, I keep in the back of my mind that anything can happen. I (and others) have already given the OP plenty of advice. The same advice that your divination confirms.


I am trying to avoid homelessness, with an upcoming DUI trial, etc. I was on the street for about 3 months. I was on heroin. YEars ago. I was very sick. major gut issues that got me on pain meds. WOrst experience of my life but it rounded me. PRison was bad too, don’t get me wrong.

I was asking about doing my own divination though , but I do appreciate the reading. However I am not going to put all my energy into being homeless. That’s not an option. If it’s unavoidable then I tried my best.

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Damn. Me neither. Housing crisis though.

I pulled king of swords and hermit. I think maybe you get in your own way a bit, and need to be aware how. For now, Belial might help.