Angels of the 72-Fold Name of God, a Finished Thread

Just a question, you said you’ll be not asking anything from the angels, so all the results you’re getting are because you simply were in their presence?


I’m asking them to transform me into what I’m supposed to be; basically perfecting myself.

Probably unification with my godself, not completely certain though.


Okay :slight_smile:

You need to be netjer on physical reality to understand your godself, and “beat” your past existences, to evolve .

Evoking “systems” wont necesarily unificate you with you, its just data transerf, to both, you know

did you have sex with demons, i sometimes too when i evoke them to my rituals, does angels and demons talk about sexuality ? differently ? i have not evoked any angels, except gabriel, so im askin

The invocations and everything have the effect of bringing me closer to my godself, so I’m pretty certain that is the end result. I’m not certain what all you were on about either, because you’re hard to understand at the best of times friend.

And no, I did not have sexual relations with that spirit.


Yea i dont know that scale either, what makes you more succesfull than your past existences… but greys have versions of you, recorded, mechanic version of your past lifes, i have met few of mines… just thought you might want to know that, if you understand …

will you have sex with demonESS if i send you one :slight_smile: we can do this in pm, its worth it :slight_smile: shes friend of mine, it could also bring you closer to unification

No thanks man, I’m about to go to work, and I have no desire to have sexual relations with a spirit that you send.


In any case, I’ve been noticing some peculiarities since I started this.

My thought processes have been more erratic than normal; I assume this is because of the needing to adjust and normalize the manifestations that come about as a result of the invocations. It took me a quick minute to realize though, because of how subtle the effects manifested. I experienced something similar when I was doing my previous Goetic Operation.


I just finished the eleventh invocation, of Laviah.

The corresponding Goetic was Gusion.

It went smoothly, and as far as the effects, it’s hard to say for certain. I can tell something has changed, and I feel different in an indescribable way, but I think the results need time to manifest properly. I’ll post when I know more.

Here’s the ring.


I still haven’t figured out what the results of the last invocation were, but I can make some assumptions based on the ‘powers’ that Laviah is supposed to have.

“The power to find true followers”
“The power to overcome enemies”
“The power to find fame through talent”
“The power to influence the famous”

I’m not sure how I would even test this though…


Live streamed television, influence the person to do something or say something out of character.


I wouldn’t know any of the people on TV enough to know when they are doing something out of character…

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If they said “Aquas” mid sentence out of the blue. That would grab your attention :slight_smile: or suddenly doing the :metal: sign while reading the weather lol

But that would be less ‘influence’ and more command.

I feel like the spirit of what it means is that you when dealing with people of high public esteem, they are more likely to bend their ear towards you.


That thought did come to mind. Being in a position where you are more heard and influential. I see your point.

Thoughts of listening to someone speak and vibrations flowing throughout the body for the listener. Speaks volumes. There more likely to listen cause they feel it.

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I just finished the twelfth invocation, of Hahaiah.

The corresponding Goetic was Sitri.

This one felt the most intense since the first one, but it went well. I don’t know what the manifestation of this will be, but my abdominal area is feeling sore, in the musculature. Besides that, the ‘wings’ I’ve been feeling sporadically seem to be back, and they feel more focused than before. My shoulders feel like they are shaking when they aren’t physically moving at all.

I seem to be feeling sensation in my muscles all around my body, like I did an intense full body exercise an hour ago, even though I didn’t do anything remotely physically strenuous all day besides get out of bed.

In any case, here’s the ring.


Just finished the thirteenth invocation, of Yezelel.

The corresponding Goetic was Beleth.

Despite my lack of enthusiasm today, I can feel my brow buzzing and a pressure in my core slowly spreading through me. I’m not sure what manifestation I will experience this time, but it could have something to do with inspiration/drive to create, based on Yezelel’s supposed powers.

But in any case, here’s the ring.


Oh, interesting. I don’t usually get anything from pictures but I just gazed at the ring and it seemed to separate itself from the photo and hover above your finger :thinking:


It’s a sign, things are starting to get weird.

Seriously though, it’s gonna get pretty crazy before this is all done.


So I just finished the fourteenth invocation, of Mebahel.

The corresponding Goetic was Leraje.

As far as this invocation, it feels smooth and subtle. Like a silk robe after a cool shower. It feels like a narrow fissure is splitting me down the middle from my brow, a hairline crack of sorts, and from that crack seeps raw potential. It’s really hard to describe.

Here’s the ring.


Just did my fifteenth invocation, of Hariel.

The corresponding Goetic was Eligos.

This feels like something subtle changed again. My brow is lightly buzzing, and so is my crown. I feel like I’m ungrounding slightly, but I can’t really tell what is going on yet…

In any case, I’ll make a post when I figure it out. Here’s the ring.