Zadkiel is one, Michael, Gabriel, Metatron, to name a few. Archangel is equivalent to a rank, there’s seraphim archangels, cherub archangels, ophanim archangels, etc. seraphim archangels are the highest ranking archangel. Almost similar to goetia, as goetia isn’t their race but their rank, Sitri is a Incubus demon who was ranked a goetia.
Interesting. Thanks
I have heard this so many times - so if they’re that devastating why do ppl still summon them?
Also when we do ask for speak out our will - why this whole detachment thing? Archangels and Daemons don’t really care bout our list for results - since they mainly check if our intentions are genuine and accordingly deliver. This should actually not make any magician wonder bout who to summon since they all do.
In case am wrong do correct me
Lust for results is purely a BALG thing, many people use their lust for results to further manifest their desires.
As for why people still evoke them is because they are individuals too they act differently towards different people, and some people like the challenge I suppose or they take the weird shit as a test of their will.
But some entities energies are just a bit overwhelming for some people.
Huh. Do you disagree that it interferes?
I disagree yes, my manifestations are pretty much fueled by my lust for the outcome, in my opinion the lust for results concept is an excuse used to blame a buyer for why the seller couldn’t pull through with their rituals which eventually spread to every reason why a ritual doesn’t work even one’s you do yourself. But that’s just me.
They don’t get offended? Like being elder Gods - some people summon them just to test or taste the experience or just dabbling with magick? I understand they come from a place where there is no space and time but they have free will right? So they can find this petty and offensive - like wasting their time
I find not many people actually call on elder gods (which technically would be the Primordial Gods in various cultures or Titan Gods) calling on an angel or demon or any other entity and I dont think they get offended simply because many of these beings have no issue introducing you to this side of things even if it’s you testing them, because in the long run you’re the one inviting this into your life.
However, they don’t always show, summoning/evocation they choose to answer the call they’re not forced to.
So lusting for outcome is not detrimental is it?
Sorry forgot to ask that in the previous query
In my opinion/experience it’s not, the mindset that it can be is often the detrimental part.
Raphael as a green, dense fog
I often say this out loud when am very emotional - THIS IS MY WILL AND MY WILL WILL BE DONE.
Mostly coz what’s just for you might be cruel to others . I hope that doesn’t anger any of the ascended entities