Angels and demons works together

I got the book called “magic of angels and demons”

But I am confused about the author how does she combined all those entite
Any ideas?

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His method is based on dr. Rudd system as Rudd mentioned in his Goetia to use shem angels to command and control demons , therefore it is not recent invention but the author made a more friendly atmosphere and it is really easy and effective at the same time.


Exactly as the previous poster described.

I understand the confusion @DarkPhoneix because I don’t employ Shem angels in my practice either. I understand the concept though and the method is widely used by groups such as the oto, OTA, ect.

I found you can achieve satisfying results without using the Shem angels. Just my personal experience. To each his own.

P.s. the Shem method may actually be “safer” in some senses than without using it. I haven’t tested it enough to form an opinion.


To answer the question, yes the entities the Abrahamic religions label as “angels” and “demons” have no issue working with each other.

Solomonic magick, as this is is not them working together, it’s using some entities on a political whitelist, to attempt to force other entities that are the black sheep to do what you want. The risk coms from pissing off the ones doing the work, not having them restrained enough and them retaliating.


Personal experience: that book has worked wonders for me, so I would suggest you to trust it and roll with it.


This question seems to come up a lot.

Angels and demons can work together in a myriaf of different ways, and contrary to the religious minded, the demons don’t really care if the angels are present or not. The idea of using angels to gude demons seems to offend certain people more than it actually offends the spirits. As the author, Henry Archer, explains in the book, it is a union of power, in which the angels are the guiding hand, while the demons are the heavy lifters.

Think of it this way: in this system, the angels are the architects who draw up the plans, while the demons are the contractors who fill in the details of those plans, and together, they raise the result.

A Goetic demon once told me that they don’t care how they’re called, only that they are called. In other words, the method you use doesn’t matter, only the work does.


They don’t work together because their energy, worlds and interests are totally different. It’s relatively a new concept, this kind of work are modern grimoires

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This is false. They can, and do, work well together. The experiences of a good many people prove that.


I think the gallery of magick books, particularly the DOM have made this method very accessible to modern new students of. Evocation. The use of Shem angels has almost become fashionable.
As I said before many well respected magickal orders use the technique as well. It may very we provide the union of power that was described above. It may be only in the mind of the actual Magician that this is percieved to be constraining or binding or offensive.

I’ve asked a few of the goetics what they think of it and the ones I asked said they personally didn’t care one way or the other.

Having said that I still won’t be incorporating it into my practice. I see no reason to. I didn’t learn that way and I’m still getting the results I need.


I’ve used that book with some pretty good success.

Honestly is quite similar to Demons of Magick. It’s just that TMoAaD ritual is a bit less lengthy
I use both books but nowadays is mostly use TMoAaD
I still like to use the evocation keys from DoM sometimes tho.


I used the book with pretty good results but I’ve found methods that work better for me personally.


What methods ?

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Its interesting to hear that folks got good results with this book, as I had read reports on here that the book was not producing anything significant.


Magick is pretty individual. Some people, for example, get massive results with simple rituals, like lighting a candle and chanting an enn, or the Gallery of Magick stuff that requires nothing but gazing a certain way at a sigil, and vibrating a few words while turning one emotion into another. Others, however, might require heavy trance, and a full circle casting while standing in a cemetary under a full moon, howling barbourous words into the wind, in order to get the same level of success.

Some prefer free form rituals, and others prefer the structure of a more ceremonial approach. The kiey is to find out what works best for you. Sometimes, a certain book won’t give you much of a result, but another one by the same author will, so it can be a bit of trial and error before you find something that clicks.


If your question is about how to do the ritual, basically all you do is draw the sigils (or use them in the book), visualize some light, and say some names and your request. The author gives step-by-step instructions in the book. If you need some assistance with the English, Agares is known to help with languages.

You can think of the groups of spirits like a team all operating a single vehicle, like a ship. Some do navigation, some turn the steering wheel, some aim the guns, some oversee the whole thing.

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So I found another book which is called ‘’ Goetic Words of Power Book’’
I think the book is so powerful that the demon I have summoned appeared immediately but the behind story is that

demon said
uriel is not here
I am your man
I will devour your soul
I am your man
I shall make you powerful
I am your man etc
so that was kind of weird experience but he was there . yeah I may use that book a lot more.

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So, some entity says he will eat you and you want to work more with them?

What would you do with someone who wants your wallet? :thinking:


Well i mean with my patron deity

For every 72 demons described in the book, there are 72 angels, for example I meant sargatana, which angel can I use to work with sargatanas?

I mentioned another book above, so you should check those two books it has all the information though.