Analyzing your name from the dictionaries

My names mean “Resolute Protector of the Chosen Race.”

English and Swedish roots.


To be precise, my name is mentioned once in each of the conjurations of Lucifer, Beelzebub and Astaroth; in Lucifer’s my name has a h inserted after c.

Same here, my name is Ángel…:unamused:


My first name has to do with the sea. Depending on the source it’s either sea song, sea warrior, sea circle. Adding in my middle name which means graceful and merciful, it all comes together pretty well to describe my personality.

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the name zoe was adopted by hellenistic jews as a translation of eve @__@
at least you get how weird it can be xD


Well… My name is Michael and that means Who is God… Yes, who is he. Is he named…Sheogorath?:smirk:


I find it oddly disturbing how accurate the Urban dictionary definition of my name is Urban Dictionary: Bryan Lol
So i’ve done some research and Bryan’s tend to be born with Psychic abilities
That and I was born under a Psychic moon
And I have a history of Psychics in my family… shit everything is just kinda interconnected huh?

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That’s a good point @Sheogorath, how our name maps to our magical godname. Fuego then, might imply A fire or flame from the dark waters with an appearance like Pan.

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I had to look my name up too… and guess what? This is oddly accurate too😂

“A very cool guy who makes everyone laugh. Once you meet him, you will want to be his friend right away. He is super cute and very good-looking. He has amazing taste…in music, clothes, food, everything. Every girl secretly wishes that he could be her boyfriend…mainly because he recently broke up with his girlfriend…mainly because everyone knows that he likes commitment…mainly because he is sweet and knows how to treat a girl…mainly because however strange and wierd he may be, he’s perfect. In his own little way, he is perfect.
Michael a very cool person.”

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Urban dictionary is scary sometimes…:joy:


Imma drop these info goodies here :japanese_ogre:


My name apparently translates to “one from the black village” in old Norse.

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My first name, Ashton, means “Town of Ash Trees”. According to Celtic Mythology, Ash, Oak, and Thorn are a part of the big three connected with fairy lore. And it’s magical uses were for divination and protection. And in Scandinavian mythology, Yggdrasil, the World Tree, is an Ash Tree, and the first two humans were made from an Ash Tree. This gives it a connection with the very power of creation and sustenance.

My middle name, Christopher, means Christ bearer, and Christ means anointed one. The story of St. Christopher goes that he was a giant, and he sought to “serve the greatest king that ever lived”, through this search he became a Christian. He had a job carrying people across a particularly dangerous river. One day a child comes and asks him for a ride to the other side, he does this but the further he carries the child, the more heavy the child becomes until it feels as though he were carrying the whole world upon his back. When they got to the other side, St. Christopher said, “You have put me in the greatest danger. I do not think the whole world could have been as heavy on my shoulders as you were.” And the child replied, “You had on your shoulders not only the whole world but Him who made it. I am Christ your king, whom you are serving by this work.” And then the child vanished.

My last name, Kerr, is a Scottish clan name, it means “from the rough ground”.


May I suggest a different perspective .As most of our names derives from one way or the other Old Testatment or Saints generally in a way which is quite common but along the ethymologic roots so as to gather more deeper meanings Gematria would also be helpful.


But, I have yet to find an effective and accessible method of English Gematria. And, I’m Catholic anyway, so I don’t mind associating my names with Saints should any exist.

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Yes; it is aleady associated and I am sure there is nothing to complain at all, and never meant that…Just gematria is another way to understand things maybe for some people at least.

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And I said that I have yet to find an effective and accessible method of English Gematria. Perhaps, if you feel so strongly about the matter you might point me to one.


I am not an expert of it. But just heard so many times its uses especially by Templars and then Masons .

When I google I see many many sources ( ie ) They seem OK but as I a not expert I cannot truly be sure.

But I will look around more / ask and hope to find a reliable source to share

One thing you gotta realize is that a name is nothing more then a title, grammatically speaking an adjective.

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Most of our names are going to be common. It’s also affected by naming trends in our birth era. My middle name, Ashley is the one with the cooler symbolism, but judging by observation, I would guess that 1/4th of all the girls born in the American South East in the 1980’s are named Ashley.

Oh, my most fun name fact is that my Dad was a stoner and came up with a way to make our family initials come together to make a sentence.

Also, I once tried an English Gematria experiment years ago to invent a character for a story. I used the equivalent Hebrew letters for the latin-based ones, and used those numbers to create a first and last name that equaled 666. I forget how exactly it came out spelled, but it was something like Malia Makiati. I know it was not a formal or correct method though, so it might be useless for finding correlations through our names.

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