An introduction

Greetings <3
I’m Lydia, I’m kinda new here so I hope to learn as many things as possible •^•
I’ve been interested in magick and occult since I was a child, even if I have a Catholic family and they’ve never liked that.
And what can I say…I’ve always been very emphatic and sensitive, during my life I’ve had many premonitory dreams.
I’m trying to improve as much as possible, and sorry for my bad english (I’m trying to improve that too haha), I’m italian!
that’s all, I think. bye!


Welcome to BALG lydia. Im new here too.

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Welcome to the forum.

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thank you!

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Welcome :blush:

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I’m new here as well! Welcome :heart::heart:

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Welcome @Lydia

Do you have any experience in magick? Your post doesn’t tell us anything.

If so, what do you practice, and how long have you practiced it?

If not, what areas of magick are you interested in learning?

Welcome to our corner of the internet.

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Hi Lydia, welcome to the forum :wave:t5::blush:

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hi! I have experience in magick, I’ve practiced for three years and I’m still practicing and learning. In truth, I’m interested in…almost everything, especially in chaos and sex magick, evocations and spirits.

Do you practice any specific system or tradition?

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I clicked on your profile pic. It says you’re a wiccan. I’m curious about wicca too. What is wicca like? Would you like to describe Wicca please?

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no I don’t!

well, wicca is a modern neo-pagan religion, and like all religions, its goals are to bring its followers into deeper connection with Divine, to give guidance in living a good life, to live in joy and die without fear. It is also a mystical and experiential religion! Wiccans worship and work with multiple deities. We also believe in and work with the spirits of our ancestors and the powers of nature. We usually work and worship in small groups called covens; you can join a coven through a process of training and initiation. A coven is led by a high priestess, who may or may not be partnered with a high priest. We do not see magic and religion as separate, each implies the other, and it’s just…wonderful. And! we use magic to aid and to heal, not to harm. It is possible to study and work alone, without coven initiation, if no coven to work with can be found (for example, I work alone)

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