An Inner Battle With Clashing Spiritual Systems

Hi everyone, I’ve been away for a while. I have been slowly undoing a major, you could say, attack. So this isn’t a me presenting information post but a me looking for advice post. Life has been going well enough and I’m happy, but still struggling with getting away from the grip of my old spiritual path to being completely LHP.

I didn’t want to write this earlier, cause I’m uncomfortably aware of how talking about stuff like this sounds like you may be having a psychiatric attack of sorts… but the fact that I’m happy and not a danger to myself makes this not urgent. I should stop rambling and get to the point.

I feel like I’m being blocked from pursuing magic and deepening my relationships with demons. Maybe by people, but I’m more inclined to think it’s my old RHP spirituality still blocking me. I have been getting free of them, incrementally over the past months, but have tried rituals and just don’t know what is left for me to do but… wait.

I have thoughtforms in me. I’ve been half-asleep, dreamed pushing one out and then it “came out” then tried to torment me but I thought Beelzebub’s name and he seemed to get it away completely. But then, why can’t he just remove all the thoughtforms I feel like the RHP have put inside me? He may be waiting for me to become strong enough to do it myself. If this lifetime journey is to be my legacy one day, of breaking away from the RHP. I don’t know. One time I was asleep on a camp stretcher having a dream conversation with a voice saying “well I’m going to knock over your stretcher” and then I woke up with the front of it crashing down. I feel like they’re in my environment around me at all times and can fuck with things physically, probably “through me” via manifesting magic.

I can feel the RHP putting this fog of energy around my head, like a cloud to hide me from accessing the demons/demonic current mentally. When I text stuff like this to other people it pisses them off and they make other peoples phones glitch. Nothing works well in getting rid of them completely so I’ve been biding my time. I have tried revoking and renouncing all light but these bastards are hanging on with everything they’ve got. Maybe I need a powerful enough ritual. I feel jammed, my desire to do magic and evoke is jammed. Perhaps this will take time. I still have Beelzebub and my incubus and my servitors looking out for me. But I’m not “all-in” the LHP or even half-in.

I shouldn’t make this too long. If anyone has advice or input it would be appreciated.

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I think there are two entities you should consider calling upon. Petition Belial to break your chains to the RHP and Abaddon to destroy your obstacles to pursue it. You don’t have to be able to evoke them (due to obstacles, it sounds like) to get their assistance. But let them do their thing. Ask for their help, their guidance, and follow the nudges and opportunities they send your way.


@anon39079500 Thanks I’ll give that a go. It’s an unbelievably frustrating way to feel. I have always been “all in” when it comes to spirituality. Once upon a time I was “all in” Christian, and then I was “all in” RHP and that’s just let them put in thoughtforms galore inside me and takes so much effort to get myself “all out” again

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@Encore19 welcome back! Have you tried doing a ritual with Metatron? He is LHP friendly. There are some vampiric rhp egregores who are a problem. study and observe your neighbours like 200m radius maybe you spot the rhp witch who interferes with your workings.

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Thanks! Belial has just done an amazing job. It was completely unexpected. I mean, I should wait a bit before seeing if the problem is truly gone this time. But Belial has done great this time, I better thank him in my journal. And I know that angels are probably fine… I’m sure they must be. It’s just, my experiences working with the vampiric RHP egregores has made me very hesitant. I’d probably evoke angels after I get more familiar with demons.

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Awesome!!! Belial is a true help and relief. Especially his enn calling of protection:
Agilleath tihdemos tlyfos Belial :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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