Am I evil?

Its not as though I’m going to death curse one of my kin because they said something I didnt like. One of my family member’s attitudes towards myself and every other person around them has been devolving continually to where they will begin yelling and guilting and berating over the simplest things, and then proceed to tell whoever has an issue with it that they are over sensitive.

For them, life may be about to become chaotic just so they remove their head from their ass.

Ha, thats my response to this type of question. More alike than we figure, brother.

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i think you should think very much before taking this kind of act against someone, even more if its someone from your family


Very true… I think its funny that I’m being reminded of animal nature at this point… Working with my darker side and such… It reminds me of when I got my spirit animal read by that shaman… Told me to take the animal into myself, visualize it with me constantly and act in accordance with it…

I’ve seen animals turn on their young and vice versa in the face of harm and danger… Nature is to survive…


Exactly. Nature itself is “evil” and sinister. New Agers, and fluff-bunnies need to let go of the romanticism of nature.


Evil is very subjective to each individual. Is it evil to defend yourself by all means necessary? No. Is it evil to stop negativity and harm in its tracks? No.
Now to me, someone like a rapist or a pedo or an animal abuser - THAT’S evil.

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I know there are similar threads, I had a follow up question which is the reason I posted…

Just compiling the most recent one. Joining the opinions together.

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Well, I’m going to challenge some views here. I’m not singling anyone out; this is for everybody to consider. I usually don’t touch on the topic of evil, since it is subjective and open for interpretation.

You have the people who murder for fun, destroy lives for fun, sacrifice animals and people, pedos, and abusers of all sorts. There are also some demons who partake these activities and get enjoyment from it. Everyone seems to agree that these people/beings are all “evil”. It’s a societal standard to hate and attack such individuals. To wipe them from existence, since they are a “blight on society”. I have difficulty seeing how they are evil and we’re not.

Because they don’t have a “reason”? Because they are “harming” and “oppressing” people/animals for no “good cause” or “justifiable reason”? Because they are “demented”, “warped”, and “wrong”? Because their attraction is “wrong”?

Do not misinterpret; I am not defending them. I wish to understand the reasoning behind what constitutes as “good or evil” ; “right or wrong”. Is it truly your own viewpoints or something that you have been conditioned to learn from society?

I for one have accepted the very real possibility that I am evil. Does that mean I hate myself? Hell no. I accept and embrace this part of myself. It’s not simple carnal pleasures I speak of. It’s the part of me that revels in seeing and inflicting the suffering of others. Seeing them torn apart, both literal and metaphorical. Unprovoked, just for the hell of it.


These are my view points. I’ve seen and felt the damage rape and abuse can do. I have formed my opinions thusly.

As for the animal sacrifice, I haven’t seen anyone against it, not on balg at least. Some of us have to in our practices. It isn’t fun, it isn’t to be enjoyed, but it is done. It is called a sacrifice for a reason. It is meant to be hard.


Well now, it all depends.
I don’t necessarily believe in evil nor good, it’s basically a matter of perspective.

In your particular case, one may consider you a good person, because you will only attack the ones that bring harm to you, so it’s self-defense. On the other hand someone else may consider you a bad person, justifying its argument with things like “If you hurt your own family then you are a creature deprived of morality”.

It all comes down to you.
You are eternal, everyone else is temporary.
You decide what is good and what is bad

Now, there are some exceptions to this case. You see, everything I said now applies only in the case in which you are a normal, healthy human being. Sociopaths and psychopaths - or simply people that are diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder have a poor inner sense of right and wrong, so they might be killing tens of innocent men and women without feeling a thing - HOWEVER - Does that make them a bad person? Nope. They think that they aren’t doing anything bad but in reality they are…

…or are they?
That’s for you to decide



Evil is Live spelt backwards.



Eloquent as always Uncle Al

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I have seen in my life the manifestation of evil itself…so…in a way I disagree. Intent and consciousness delivers the end result. I have seen pure black dead eyes twice within my 33yrs and yes…that Shi××t shook me to the coreeeee. Mind you, fun for me is playing in the dark and visting abandoned over-grown cemeteries. I am the first one to see the “what’s that noise” in the night type of chick. So…this was no joke.

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Evil to me is inducing suffering on someone for the sake of it i.e torture, starvation,murder,theft ect. As Well as manipulating others to induce these acts of corruption…which inevitably leads suffering.

Self defense and defence of others are justived. Pretty much in alignment with @Lady_Eva because in committing these act you are striping the individual of their freedom and their choice to a life lead without suffering.


I believe the best answer to the question of right and wrong in terms of self knowledge of the difference, or societal teachings making is aware of the difference.
Once were aware of the difference, we choose to do right or wrong.
The problem gets deeper. Society does not stay static in terms of what’s right or wrong … and not all children are taught by loving parents. Hence learning through “hard knocks”.

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The majority was, is and will be always wrong.

btw: pagan rome also had its witch trials

Wasn’t one of the trees in Eden, supposed to teach man kind what those two things are?
And wasn’t the “demiurge” trying to keep them from knowing that secret, since they would become equal in mind with “god”? (who is beyond those constructs)


But what if you kill, and gather the energy of hate -filter it, and empower yourself with it, so you could commit more killings? :thinking: That would basicly break your idea.

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Nope. Because it still had a reaction, which you are using to your advantage


What i was trying to say: is that the "sense for ‘justice’ ", which i assumed he holds on to,
wouldn’t bring the punishment the victor “would deserve”.

Its like: the robbery who don’t get caught. if they manage to stay unrecognized, then they deserve the goods and money they have stolen -but if they let themselves to be put in jail, then they fucked up.

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