Am i doing things right or is it everyone doing right but not me?

Seriously…alot of people are able to evoke or invoke demons/ angels/ gods and is able to do all kind of things with them and here i am not able to get a single effect to work…

i know i travel when i sleep or at least that is what i think i do cause i wake up tired or drowsy as hell
sadly i dont usually remember what i did or what demon or spirits had visited to me

tbh i think my third eye or other senses will never open again…i dont know who is visiting me, where my spirit goes to, did demons do something to my physical/spiritual body

its like something is trying hard to protect me and that is kind of bugging me alot…i want to learn and see things but here i am not even know what to do the next 10 minutes of my life but being horrible at myself.

Sure i manifest things but in a negative way. I too was able to kind of read peoples mind or influence them but now HAHA no. Not anymore

i use to feel so damn free (when i was 4-5) ever since i got into primary school things in my body (not physical) is just closes one by one.

yes i am still(i think) able to talk with demons or spirits (all in thoughts)

I was something in my past, but something is blocking my way to find it…there is so much of me to be found sadly i am just a dead weight

I am one day going to ask my Godself, Lucifer, or even a incubus a lot of questions…but with my senses closing on me. I doubt that day will ever some

is there any meditation that can “reactive” all of my senses cause damn i want to be able to see a physical demon or angel or whatever…idk

"Seriously…alot of people are able to evoke or invoke demons/ angels/ gods and is able to do all kind of things with them and here i am not able to get a single effect to work…"

Cool. So how long you been trying? You know how to effectively banish yet? Learning to banish takes time and it’s time well spent. Weeks, then months. You will know when you can effectively banish. It’s an energy thing and a foundationally important one. After that you can reverse the process and learn how to effectively evoke. Banishment and evocation are the two foundational rituals.

“i know i travel when i sleep or at least that is what i think i do cause i wake up tired or drowsy as hell sadly i dont usually remember what i did or what demon or spirits had visited to me”

I recommend calcium with breakfast, maybe luncheon; but definitely magnesium at night (avoid magnesium oxide formulations, unless you’re constipated).

tbh i think my third eye or other senses will never open again…

Massage the third eye’s position widdershins with cream/ointment that causes heating – don’t get it in your eyes.

“i use to feel so damn free (when i was 4-5) ever since i got into primary school things in my body (not physical) is just closes one by one.”

Happened to me too! Shitty, ain’t it?

“is there any meditation that can “reactive” all of my senses cause damn i want to be able to see a physical demon or angel or whatever…”

I haven’t seen anything since the early 1990s. It’s not one on my gifts. I got over it, cause I feel ‘em.


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