Am I able to work with Bune as white magician

Hi guys,
Well, pretty much as the title says.

Can I still work with demon Bune even though I am RHP?

Thank you so much for all the help.


I am Middle-to-Left Hand Path and can work with Archangels. When I called her up for a friend, she was very cordial. If you’re concerned, you could ask a trusted guide to be there with you.




It’s up to you to define your own practice and to decide who you can and cannot work with. No one here can tell you what to do.


You can work with any spirit, on any path.

Remember, the Lesser Key of Solomon, of which the Goetia is a part, is RHP magick, and Bune has been summoned that way for centuries so, the answer is, yes, you can.


As long as you are treating the demoness Bune with the respect you would pay to any other spirit, there is no reason to not work with her and gain insight from her.


All hail Bune! She is so cordial! She rules!

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Demons aren’t inherently LHP they were just absorbed into it because of an idea that demons are hella independent while angels arent kind of thing, so yes you can.


Thank you so much for this!

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IMO It’s best not to limit yourself by giving yourself a label such as RHP. It can be helpful but also limiting at the same time, depending on what RHP means to you personally. Like @DarkestKnight said, you can work with any spirit on any path.


I believe that demons won’t mind what kind of magic you use as long as you continue to honor them.

As an alternative to all this wise advice, it’s also possible that she’s the same being as the ancient Egyptian gooddess Wadjet, so maybe research that and then contact her using that goddess form, devoid of the current of “demonic” energy implicit in her Buné “mask” - it’s worth mentioning here that I don’t usually go for the idea all spirits are “masks of” some smaller number of beings, but in this case she revealed this to me herself, and I think a few other people had the same impression.

Wikipedia ia a good place to start when researching Egyptian deities, because they are the subject of exactly the kinds of academic study Wikipedia was originally designed for:


Wtf, swear I saw the egyptian eye blink


Of course you can

Guess it likes you, maybe it’s trying to get your attention

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Woah, well this definitely resonates with me. I will give this a go first and before anything else. Thank you for sharing this with us. Xx


@Dijana You can also research pre abrahamic concepts of demons. As they are not the same, some are linked to deities as @Lady_Eva suggested, while others are guardians of cetain things and places. Also look up the term Daemon in the ancient greek form too. It will help detach the stigma that has been placed upon working with them.


Hi, I have no experience in working with the demoness Bune, but I am interested in working with her. Can you give me some advice how to start?
Hail to Lilith and Blessed Be!

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I feel as though for the most part, as long as you approach an entity with respect then they will likely return the favor. This is true of demons I’ve worked with, angels, Loa, ect. Just build a relationship with Bune. Get to know them and let Bune get to know you. It’s all about the respect for the most part. My wife is a RHP practitioner and I’m primarily LHP. Her angels have helped me a lot and my demons have helped her because we are kind and don’t go into a ritual with preconceived notions.


Usually when I begin working with any spiritual being, I start by doing some minimal research because I do not want the bias of others or information to give me any preconceived notions about any information or gnosis I might gain from said spirit.

For Bune, in particular, I would simply use her sigil and light a candle or incense. The color of the candle doesn’t necessarily matter, but I like using purple whenever I am trying to contact her. I will usually draw her sigil on the candle (I enjoy using pillar candles if I can because it makes drawing the sigil easy). For incense I’ve noticed she enjoys jasmine or orange. Some people use enns to make contact with spirits, but it depends on your mood. Light said candle and/or incense, focus on the sigil, and when you feel her presence make your request or listen.

Hope this helps.