Aliens on the Astral

So heres my experience with an alien that i encountered on the astral. I didn’t know why it was there but it was, and we made contact

it was at my elementary school, people playing everywhere, i was playing games at the upper soccerfield and went mad on everyone because i was being attacked (it was a game) i starting beating people up and cussing people out and felt high on energy and heard rock music, this was in the daylight.

next thing i remember i move down the hill into the basketball courts and it becomes night, theres people playing basketball, the moonlight is shining and the school building is on my left. everything seems like real life. I pull out my phone and turn on the flashlight but it was dim, btw i had shades on and my hood over my head. so i open the school building door, the lights were on and its a classroom.

now i become speechless and confused, i see silhouettes of beings on the desks on computers but can’t tell if they’re human, and something approaches from behind me. I kept looking straight, took my shades off and something begins to pull my hood off from me. then i get probed into my root chakra, it felt warm, and then it begins to probe my upper body and my face.

unlike other aliens i’ve encountered this one wasn’t small, it was quite large, and all i could remember was a silhouette of it. even as i exit the astral i hear fax machine or receipt machine noises and im lying down on my bed and theres something small with three fingers hover over my right eye. It continued to probe me as i was in my bed. (how tf did it follow me) (guess it was my world) I believe it was fixing my chakras and i don’t know what it is with aliens and me but this was not the first time.


Can you try to get back into that space and ask it what it wants and intends?


You know…sometimes i wonder about encounters like this. With all the mass media that has been pushed on people over the years of aliens wanting to abduct and probe you…does it end up influencing astral travelers experience with aliens…similar to how an ex-Christian with preconceived notions of demons end up encountering exactly what their minds have manufactured through that religious influence, once they get into the ritual circle. I just find it uncanny how so many people have this same sort of…almost cliche experience with aliens coming at them with the oral probes. Even EA’s encounter was like this. It’s like right out of a Buck Rogers episode.


My experience with Tall Greys in projection was more peaceful, was following the origins of a friend’s soul/energy and it led me to this Grey “female” who led them and she was able to read my intentions and emotions through touch, they were also pretty advanced and nomadic.

It was honestly nothing like I expected when researching them initially.


I would like to note that this was in fact a non threatening experience, as honest as possible me saying this might sound ridiculous, the probing felt good and i felt like the alien was helping me. quite weird that this was inside a building of MY own construct (I believe) (maybe not since astral buildings are remnants of our world)

the alien was teaching some sort of a class i think they were all dark shades, very different from normal grey experiences, it was honestly a blur so im not sure if it was like a teaching alien, it was like i stumbled upon them, but the i remember the fax receipt noises and soft energy waves flowing through me definitely not parasitic


absolutely i plan on revisiting that area and attempt to make contact again, they seem to know things and be very knowledgable about the energy body that we don’t really know about

whats amazing was how gentle it was with me, especially how it knew to pull my hood back to see my face? it also seemed like it became smaller in the real world (the three fingers) not sure what that means


it was a real entity believe me, it had its own agenda

no threat thankfully, to how some people might portray them