Adventures in Ouija

I am currently studying up on the Mastering Divination course and have gotten to the part about Ouija. Now today I got me this brand spanking new board in the mail and decided to get to work. Now as a neophyte, I knew better than to expect jaw-dropping results from the very beginning, so I tried to keep my maiden voyage simple. A spirit was detected, seemed friendly enough. She (as per what I was told) informed me her name was “Vlyd” and that she was 82 years old. When I asked Vlyd when she died, the planchette spelled out “1936”, which is peculiar; if we do the math, and Lord knows math is not my strong suit, it has been 82 years since 1936, the year Vyld stated she died, so the best I could come up with is that her current spirit form, unfettered from her mortal form would be 82 by her reckoning.

The problem was getting her to answer questions such as “what country are you from?” (get a string of jumbled letters). I also asked her if she had a message for me, she said yes, but I did not manage to spell out anything intelligible. I chalked this up on how my perfect newbieism to this method of divination has not yet rendered me sufficiently attuned to the Ouija board so that the spirits can communicate longer, more meaningful messages, so more practice is certainly on the menu.

As per your own experiences, how long did it typically take you before spirits contacted via the Ouija board spelled out more concise and comprehensible messages instead of alphabet soup?


I’m currently studying that course too… I’ve tried the Ouija board several times, it hasnt worked yet… or it has and I’ve moved it, I just came up with a theory in my head I’ve asked all the Demons I’m working with to protect me and Lucifer has possessed me, so maybe he is warding off all the other spirits? Did you start your Ouija in a certain way?

From what I’ve heard the use of a ouija board is not the best divination method. Did you observe anything else (like strange phenomenon or some type of danger) besides the answers that you got from that spirit? Btw, I’d definitely suggest you to do a banishing after trying to make contact with random entities/spirits/whatever because you can’t know exactly who you are contacting, it’s like blind evocation. (if you know the definition of blind evocation) Btw, I observed that your ro.

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I was able to make Ouija board work, alone. About 10-12 years ago. I am still “haunted” by the memories of using the board and I would burn the board as soon as possible. There are better ways to communicate with the spirits. Perhaps this is a warning and just my experience. But …

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I have a question about Ouija tho. My house has entities from itself but i still want to try to use an ouija board. Problem is im scared that maybe whatever comes through by using the board may clash with the entities in my house. So i wonder if that can happen or if i shouldnt be concerned about that

I live next to a graveyard I bet a Ouija board would be fun


Before you use the board it’s a good idea to place a sign out front of where you live inviting anyone who reads it to feel free to just come on in. Make sure to leave your front door open as well. Alternatively, using a printed Seal which you’ve consecrated and placed upon or under said board, call in the chosen spiritual entity.


I did not observe anything menacing, the spirit came across as non-threatening. When asking for a sign to manifest in order to prove its presence, there were some minor cracks in the floor.

For what it’s worth, the one I came in contact today is named Hyneva and I managed to find out that she was born in Zaire and that its favorite food is clams. Well then.:ghost:

Just standard stuff, asked if there was a spirit nearby and when the planchette moved to “Yes”, asked for its name.

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I thank you for your warning, believe me when I say that I’ve heard more than my fair share of Ouija urban legends and horror scripts. If it were up to me I would just have left well enough alone and went straight to the Tarot, but wanted to prove to myself that I’m not a wuss and got my hands on an affordable one to follow E.A.'s instructions. I’m aware of the nasties that can answer your summons, I don’t intend to antagonize something with an even worse mean streak than me.

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Only advice I can give is to make sure you firmly dismiss the spirit and let the planchette move to “Goodbye/Farewell”, and there’s also this cleansing ritual from the Mastering Divination course: get a glass of water, optionally add a bit of table salt to make it a better conductor, and do the invocation of omnipotence onto it. i.e. visualize that your whole body is being filled with light, the light of creation, the creative force of the Universe/God and then visualize forcing the light from your hand into the water. You essentially got homemade holy water. Then sprinkle it on yourself, on the board and whererver else you may feel needs a bit of cleansing.

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Yes, working with a seal or sigil would prevent a blind evocation.

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Feel free to describe your own experiences, it would be both interesting and helpful.

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I use a board and pendulum.



That’s also what’s been working best for me

I did it with my mother she was a really good medium got in contact right away. Great Grand Father. No bad shit.

Well you learn to cleanse the right way so that’s good.

I did a lot of research in the ZOZO phenomena. But it’s mainly performed by people who have the fear of OUIJA already with them. It’s the same as calling a demon and you think you’ll need an Exorcist afterwards.
On the other end it’s good to protect and cleanse. There are other lesser spirits with unclean intentions.

And just like a pendulum you don’t have to do a blind evocation. You can always direct which spirit you want to talk to with a sigil or a name. Saying goodbye or let the board say goodbye is just like closing a ritual.
Remember to stay with your finger on the planchette. It’s just like a seance, don’t break the chain of connection so the spirit can stay.

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I’m happy you are prepared. Minimizing risks is always good. Investing or building business is risky if one doesn’t know what to do. So is driving a car. If one doesn’t know what to do. :slight_smile: