Adding onto a curse?

Do you think it’s a good idea to “top up” on a death curse?

I spoke to the spirits and they’re cool with it. One I just met wants in on it too lol.

I cast this death spell months ago I know it was accepted but still the targets are living too much of a lavish life and are still parasiting our family. I have enough hate to burn them in whatever ways I will.

Thanks in advance!

“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law”. :woman_shrugging: Do whatever you think is necessary. As long as you’re not doubting or lusting for results then I don’t personally see any harm in it.


Not lusting for results is the hardest part :joy:

Yeah that’s the only reason people seem not to top up sometimes. But people also layer plenty of spells along with death curses - take away protections, prevent deflection, cut relationships and support, freeze them from working against it, freeze anyone around them who might be protecting them, add curses for sickness.
I just layered in a DUME candle I got pre-dressed off etsy into a working I’m doing (I’m not into Vodoun I’d rather outsource making those), feels good.


I top up my spells every few months to every year or so. I’ve been cursing one person for the past 3 years every beginning of the year and they’re absolutely miserable. I usually let it go for the whole year and just know that my spells are working, but like to drop in to give them an extra boost every now and then. It’s a good way to keep a spell up for a long period of time.

I might also recommend perhaps performing a spell multiple days in a row. I know some rituals do 3 days, 10 days (11 days on a BALG book I think), 30 days, and I’m currently doing a daily one for a period myself. Might as well put that anger to good use. Both theraputic and when you finished can help stop the lusting.

Death spells can be tricky because sometimes the person might die, or sometimes it forces you to stop caring about them (emotional and psychological death).

Good luck!


I think these are very beneficial as strong protection can be a nuisance

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Thanks for the idea :grin:

According to my guides, the targets are as good as dead and the moment I let them go, they will leave the earth for good. I for some reason can’t let go.

This exact wording could be interpreted as literally they will die or that when you finally let them go you won’t care about them anymore and/or forget they exist. Whichever happens I’m sure it will be freeing. You can do shadow work, especially with your spirits, to help you forget about them. Shadow work is particularly good for letting things go and helping you feel what you need to feel in the moment to release and be released.

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You know that’s exactly what one of my family members told me? That I shouldn’t let them bother me and give them so much power over me.

Personally I want these targets down. They will be an issue for my family as long as they live but if they don’t die then them ending up in an insane asylum would be my next bet :thinking:

I mean do shadow work to help you let them go so the curse will work better, because you said your guides told you that they “are as sure as dead” (regardless of specific meaning) as soon as you let them go.

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Shadow work is my current path walking . I will do like you recommended!

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This thread, though brief, has been helpful to me. I recently returned to work and this a-hole whom I cursed back in November has been far too fucking happy. I was wondering about topping off a curse and even beginning to doubt my magic a little. Thanks all…