Accidental servitor can I make it mine?

I accidentally created a servitor.
I really wanted to get some information about something and in my mind was stuck the image of a bird bringing me information.
It worked and with great success and speed.
I absolutely liked it so now I would like to give it a name and make it my proper servitor.
Can I still do it? Or should I create a new one who is exactly the same? I really like the first one so I don’t feel like discarding it :thinking:


Of course you can. You created it, so it’s already yours.

Think of it like this: When a stray cat comes up to a person, and won’t go away, it is generally assumed the cat has now adopted the human, so the human will bring it into their home, feed it, take it to the vet, and name it. By the act of naming the cat, the human solidifies it as belonging with them.

So go ahead, and name the unintentional servitor. Doing so will make it more real to you, and solidify it as yours.


Thats lovely . Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:


Servitors can become akin to anything else which is alive, once they reach a certain point of complexity (or just length of time existing), and have the same desire to keep living, and the same fears, pain, and hopes, as any animal or child, so be sure to create a release plan for your new buddy, and give them a source of food that’s something more than your attention, so they have security and won’t become needy if you don’t interact with them for a while. :+1:


Oh I had created a servitor last year and I didn’t really feel that he was doing any work.
I used Damon Brands method exactly as he said it but I think it was a failure

This servitor is alive and works quick.
I accidentally almost created another one in the past who wanted to come to life but he was moving things in my house like plates etc. But I let him die… I thought he wouldn’t be able to do the job I wanted.


Thats great LadySerina … been a long time since i saw your last post

keep checking up on them and feed them some energy … or you can Petition a spirit to help your Servitor and ask the spirit to feed the Servitor his/her energy

The Servitor become Powerful when we keep summoning them and assign them different task …they learn more and they will work efficiently from my experience atleast call them once a week or once in two weeks


I have posted recently. :thinking:
My posts for some reason don’t get that much popular

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yeah same :pleading_face:

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Thats a lovely idea. I didn’t think about it. Thank you

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I created my first legitimate servitor when I was pouring my heart and soul into what I was painting on my magical book, before I had put anything in it. It just, came alive at one point, and telepathically connected to me just so say “Hello”. So, I ended up feeding it and created a seer out of it in the form of a Wurm, which I dubbed “Farmind”. When I was actively using him, he could actually accurately describe and find the location of physical items or places which he, nor I, nor anyone else I knew has ever been to. I used that ability of his to discover the correct location to send my warrior forces to, to discover where a particular energy source was manifesting from which I dubbed needed to be removed from the face of earth. I’ve since dismantled the creature, simply because I didn’t need it anymore, but in my experience when intelligences manifest out of nowhere it usually leads to something great. Or, it was a haphazard ejaculation of your own consciousness, which indicates a need for developing greater control over your manifestation powers.

My advice there is to keep an eye on it, and don’t be afraid to give it upgrades, but as you figure out what sort of role or purpose you want to give it, allow it to happen somewhat naturally and be in alignment with what it’s original birthed intention was. For example, you used yours to get information, so it should remain in that category at least vaguely, or at least carry an aspect of that within itself. Truth seeking, seership, learning, etc comes to mind, but it would have some difficulty being thrust into a role which pertains directly to healing or shielding for example. There’s always a lot of malleability within that though, and you can teach your servitors how to operate in areas outside their original purpose via upgrades as long as it feels smooth.


Sounds nice!

What kind of information did it get - like how specific information, and how much - and how did you receive it?

I’ve been thinking of making an information-servitor at some point too, so I’m curious about it, but for now I’m experimenting with a money-and-luck-one.

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I prefer to keep it only as information seevitor and create another one for other purposes.
I absolutely loved your story.
I think after I build my information servitor properly I will destroy my protection servitor and create a new one.
I kinda get the feeling that it is much better to use my own method of creating one instead of using someone else’s. I will maintain the safety factors but all the rest I will follow my intuition from now on.

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I asked to find out a name of a person who i had no common connections too and social media could not help.
It brought me a person from their social circle and then the servitor led me to an online investigation showing me the steps to find everything about them with great success.
Then everything got confirmed in real life.

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