Abstinence To Any Sexual Activity

Hello there I just have a simple question which is I would like to ask because I think anyone here is already has their own plenty of experience maybe you got a sense of observations prior to being practioner for a long time as a beginner’s to lhp I usually do a Pathworking to call forth a spirit now I hear some people suggesting that it wouldn’t be hurt if one must restrain from any sexual activity before performing any magical arts because it’s necessary now I just wanna ask in my own case I usually do a Pathworking should I really have to restrained myself from any sexual activity in order for my magick to work really well now I wanna know also if there’s any logical standpoint behind that?

I don’t practice this myself so I’m sure someone else could give a better response, but supposedly it’s because sexual energy is related to your essential life-force, kundalini, qi/chi, whatever you wish to call it, and supposedly if you cultivate or recycle this energy it instead of “spending” it, it can lend more energetic power to your rituals. Personally I also use pathworking a lot and I don’t intentionally practice abstinence, it doesn’t occur to me to even consider if it has any bearing on my abilities, so it likely does not, for me.

Anecdotally, it seems men preach and/or practice this more than women. So a man may have a different perspective from mine (and obviously other women may differ in individual opinion).


No, there is no need to abstain from sex when pathworking. I do pathworking a lot, almost every day, in fact, and have never done so, but I still get good results. The only book i have ever seen abstinence recommended is in Goetia Pathworking by Corwin Hargrove, where it is used as a form of traditional purification.

Of course, you can always do so, if you think it will help the magick, but in my experience with pathworking, it seems more of a placebo than anything else. It can help to bring a seriousness, and sacrifice, to the magical act, however, if you haven’t already developed a magical mindset.

In sex magick, methods of abstinence are utilized to concentrate the chi, but it’s not something that is necessary for every magical act.


As long you do anything with moderation is fine

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I think a happy medium is helpful similar to like what @DarkestKnight suggested.

Not necessary but helpful like creating a seriousness.

@DarkestKnight I thought the abstinence was so you’d build up energy rather then expending it so you’d have it on hand form the ritual. So do you mean that’s not the reason? Or is that what you meant by concentrate chi (what I said in a different way)?

Simply going without sex will not, in itself, build up energy (it does apparently raise testosterone levels in men, though) You have to actually compress the energy into your dan tien, or navel chakra storage centres, otherwise, your body will simply expend it in other ways. The whole point of abstinence is to direct the creative sexual force towards spiritual enlightenment, like in the kundalini of Hinduism; where the raw sexual force is moved from the root up to the crown, leading to an expansion in consciousness.

Personally, I don’t use my own energy in ritual. It just seems silly to me to drain myself, when I can simply draw down unlimited energy from the universe to power my magick instead.

Abstinence has traditionally been used as a form of purification in magick, not energy raising, and it is not merely refraining from sexual activity, but also all sexual thoughts. One should direct focus only to the magick.


On it’s own, it’s unlikely to create a significant change. But, that is by using it on its own. The purpose of it is to bring your body closer spirit, but various other things lower the state of your body to being more material. In conjunction with certain other practices, it can be powerful.

Think of it less as complete abstinence forever and more like a pendulum.

Abstain for a few days then release

Then a few more days

Then a few weeks but not a few months.

In my experience a bout a week and 4-5 days gives me the biggest build up of energy before my bodies like, “ok your not using it so we’re not producing it”.

(And EVERY body is different and its own expression)

But you can keep your body from getting stagnant by starting small and building the time frames up followed by a day or two of total “not abstinence” if you catch my drift :rofl:

Can confirm, :100:

I’ve experienced similar

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