Sure, I actually finished it a while ago, probably two days after posting this. The book does help to clarify a bit about some of the aspects, and how they have been taken out of context. For example, the idea of absolute isolation, although helpful, is never really instructed in the book (I have never read Abramelin, I’m getting this from the book). What I got from it is that the whole were a few key characteristics:
When “praying”, it must be done with inflamed passion. Prayer, however, can be anything that you can that generates this inflamed passion, an energetic activity with one-pointed focus on union with the HGA. Trying to get inflamed over things that have little to no value to you is pretty useless, so thinking that one has to use Judeo-Christian prayers hold little, if any merit.
There are plenty of entities that will attempt to mimic the HGA, so the ability to discern an impostor from the real deal is necessary.
Number 2 can be avoided if you exercise some patience and actually train certain skills like astral travel, or have an open communicating ability with spirits. Therefore, being a flat out beginner to magic is probably not a good idea, especially if you have no skill or ability to work with magic.
There is a sense of "purity: that one is supposed to instill in order to gain this conversation with the HGA.
SO it’s basically a devotional focused one-pointed on this HGA. One can further garner the connection by also making everyday actions like eating, drinking, or bathing, as ritual acts focused on the union with the HGA.
Aside from this, the book is a bit New Age, as that there is general lauding of this attainment as some sort of ultimate goal. Certain techniques he put in the book didn’t really seem too informative, but this is only with a few of the techniques he mentioned, like astral travel and Zen techniques.
From this book, I also get the sense that one could possibly stand to speed up the interaction if 1) the skill is there and 2) they devote more time in the day. The prayer, which is supposed to be the focal point aside from purity, which is really purity in thought on the one goal rather than some other ideal, is only said twice a day at the beginning and the end of the day. For someone like myself, with fare more time on my hands, I would have to do more just tho stay immersed. No matter if I was alone or not, if I got time to spend doing this work over something else, it makes sense to do that work.
So for those interested, creating something that can cause you to focus on that ideal for a prolonged devotional period will work. I created a way through travelling through the Chakras to the Bindu-point of the Sahasara where the HGA lies. I’m taking somewhat of a Tantric, shamanistic view of the operation as a marriage of sorts, and also as a subsequent act of ascension. One other aspect of the operation is a riding of momentum, with increased intensity for each of the advancing periods of time in the operation.
The thing is, whether someone really feels the need to do this… I’m not sure it’s an essential experience. I mean, even the thing I’m doing, it has a lot more upsides to it that just this interaction. It’s really more of a Chakra devotional and energy body merging rather than a flatout, nothing-else-matters work. The HGA is the culmination of the work, the endpoint, even though the HGA will be in conversation with me throughout the entire time.
This is just my thoughts on it, I wouldn’t go running out to the hills trying to get the book if that is what you mean. But if you are really trying to find out how to abstract away from the Judeo-Christian emphasis, you would do well to pick it up, or perhaps look up information on the concept of shamanic tutelary spirits.