About to Summon my First Djinn

Hmm, well I was recommended to summon a Sila, because as a newbie, I’m pretty much going as a new kid, who’s about to go from the kiddie into the damn ocean! So, why not summon a Djinn who can be a guide as well as a partner (I’m not aiming to make a slave, but a friend, who can do favors). Also, what do you mean by this?

What I’m hoping to gain is mainly a foothold on Sorcery, but also Luck, Money, and Love, nothing too outlandish…at least not with a Sila, I’m saving that for a Marid.


yaah, but isn’t that based on taking Allah as an creator god?
Something which had been dispelled before?

And true, Djinn are earth bound, since they’re created by the Magma / Lava energy of this planet.

I do consider most you said, well reasonable.

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I personally would go through an Ifrit which would just take you down the Goetic path of sorcery, in my experience while the Silat are extremely knowledgeable with Magick they don’t necessarily teach it, and they aren’t constant spirit guides either, they have a will of their own and are more concerned about the advancement of humanity as a whole, they are the ones to go to if you want to send a rocket to space or perform brain surgery, they are extremely brilliant entities.


The biggest part of ascention is coming to terms with what is.

Well, aren’t Ifrit malicious? I know they’re more powerful than a Sila, but aren’t they risky to deal with? Though, it’s good to know Sila are intelligent, so should instead go for a Ifrit, or summon the Sila first, just to get the hang of things.

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Well yes, they are more malicious, but the thing is part of what makes Silat so benevolent is that they don’t give secrets of sorcery in any other regard than “high magick”
When dealing with Djinn there is a mythology that goes along with it, in that legend the Djinn await a judgement day, a day when the Djinn are judged against the humans, the unspoken secret that everybody knows especially Solomon is that the Djinn and the Humans and their hybrid babies are all equal in the eyes of the great creator of all things.

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So, even if I ask, they won’t tell me anything, right? In that case, what else can they do?

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They can be literal life savers. They can disguise themselves as human and remove you from grave danger. They can whisper secrets of high sciences in your ears.


Personally I have only myself by choice worked with a Ghul Djinn since i actually summoned and retained him myself in my household. He’s extremely odd and I’m thankful for how his personality is but I really don’t do much work with him so i don’t know if a Ghul would be the kind to look into unless you specialize in necrotic or death energy


Hmm, well in that case I will summon a Sila, and make my way up, and I hope she likes cats, because my cats are my whole world. I don’t how Djinn and Cats would interact, I just the Djinn I summon won’t be a probably.


Well, there are a few people who have crossed, so maybe a Ghul would be an interesting choice. To be honest I did consider a Ifrit as my personal avenger, who shall decimate my enemies.

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Think this way, an Ifrit is more likely to see you on even terms. A Ghul you have to keep in control and have it bound with a heavy hand. Mine would run rampant if i didn’t have enough deterrents in my arsenal

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On a side note, Ghul are notorious for having no limits on what they will grant, which makes them far darker to work with since they’ll do even the most unsavory things. They’re also EXTREMELY bad about bending your commands around their bony fingers and trying to make you regret every choice

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Exactly! @anon53844978

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Iirc the most “user friendly” are the Jann but only if they consider you worthy and righteous. After them is Ifrit and Marid. The issue with Jann is you can not have one of them and a Ghul because theyre natural opposites and enemies and will actively attempt to kill each other


Well, I did carefully consider how I would phrase my wishes, so, if they do find ways to twist these words “I wish Mr. and Mrs. Smith to lose their property, and I own their land” then you’re right, then I properly should be careful.


You didn’t specify how soon they would lose their land. You could be 90 years old before it happens. You have to be highly specific


How user friendly are we talking about?

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Jann were the first type of Djinn to come into contact with humans and have helped armies crush those that are non righteous. They will loyally work with you if you deserve it and if not they will impede you until you show them you’re deserving


I guess the best way to put it is a Jann can not twist your words. They do not grant wishes that cause harm. And they’re pretty much the progenitor of the Djinns. People relate them to how humanity came from apes. On a scale they’re what you’d consider lawful neutral as opposed to how most Djinn would be Chaotic neutral. I don’t have personal experience with them since I deal with too much dark stuff and Djinn aren’t really my cup of tea